acesman: Created a custom hero, Air, Earth, Life adept, Beastmaster, Brilliant, vulnerable to magic, Amranth (?) Blood. The Tame Beast spell is not showing up. Is this a bug seen elsewhere??
I have the same problem. Although I’ve never seen it work since I just started playing the game.
After more or less aimlessly looking around the game files I found what might cause the problem (I Iack the knowledge to know for sure). There seem to be some data missing from the CoreAbilities.xml file.
<AbilityBonusOption InternalName="Beastlord">
<Description>Can take control of enemy beasts</Description>
<AIData AIPersonality="AI_General">
All other abilities I’ve looked at also include a game modifier.
e.g.. banditlord
<AbilityBonusOption InternalName="BanditLord">
<DisplayName>Bandit Lord</DisplayName>
<Description>Player starts with two Bandit units and has the ability to convert bandits</Description>
<Provides>+1 starting Bandit Guard</Provides>
<Provides>+1 starting Bandit Guard</Provides>
<AIData AIPersonality="AI_General">
Anyone who knows what’s missing from the beastlord, or am I barking up the wrong tree?