dinopron: I just finished the game and ... Christ ... this game could have been perfect. With realist and likable characters, well told story, excellent dialog, remarkable music, everything... but at the end all start to crumble! Too much elements are introduced too fast out of nowhere, old chosen one cliche, ridiculous kung fu fights, don't take me wrong, I love kung fu movies but I didn't buy a fighting game I bought a investigation/thriller adventure with a few occultism elements.
The story was so good and suddenly it seems an Uwe Boll movie (Alone in the Dark comes to my mind) This was what pissed me off:
-- The Invisible, a homeless people secret society.
-- The artificial intelligence world domination clan.
-- The Illuminati (orange clan) acting behind the curtains to control the world.
-- The unnecessary and inexplicable romance between Carla and Lucas.
-- The Dragonball/Matrix fighting sequences.
-- The implicit alien conspiracy.
-- The undead frozen Lucas havin sex (and consequently a child) with Carla (For God sake the man was dead!)
-- Lucas trusting in a bunch of crazy homeless with AKs and shotguns, and giving Jade to them without questioning if he could trust them.
-- The teletubies happy ending scenery, I almost saw the chubby-baby-sun.
-- How Agatha, being an artificial intelligence,could manipulate Lucas' mind. Of course they had an super advanced technology that they've been developing since the 80's, without anyone suspecting. Man how I hate this purple clan crap, 50% of my rage are caused directly by this IA bullshit.
-- I won't complain about the Maian bizarre plot because its well tied in the story, but I should.
The fact is, I really loved this game, and that's why I am so upset, this game made me love it but gave me a slap in the face at the end, several actually. My advice for everyone in doubt about this game is: Buy it, its awesome, if you really like games you should experience this game, but don't fall in love, because its gonna break your heart at the end, in the bad sense.