I now have played for some time with these new settings and I notice the following:
- The cockpit sound is almost disabled
- Only the best enemy missiles will hit you (SA-10, SA-12, AA-10, S-N-4), others will always miss you if you do nothing and fly straight at medium speed (their logic is flawed due to the high CPU Cycles of 9000);
So high CPU cycles will give a very good framerate at the cost of a less challenging game. I therefore have made some tests to know how much I can reduce the cycles in order to be hit by these missiles:
SA2, SA5
AA2 (from planes)
AA6 (from planes)
The answer is: 4250 cycles for my system which still gives an acceptable framerate.
Then, to ultimately fix the cockpit sound that may cause game crashes, I have found original sound fixes released by MPS in the 90s which will fix all ASound files for their games on Pentium Computers. I can upload these files if GOG is interested. Here the readme notes:
Fast 486 Sound Driver Updates
The AdLib drivers (for AdLib, Sound Blaster, Pro Audio Spectrum, Covox and
compatibles) of some of our older games have had problems with newer fast
computers, especially 486/66s. This file contains a number of updated sound
drivers that should work fine on all fast machines.
OLD DRIVERS! Go to your game directory and type DIR ASOUND.*, this will show
you the AdLib drivers used. In most cases, there will only be one driver.
Some games also used a separate one for the logo screen. Copy the
corresponding updated driver(s) to your game directory and start the game as
you normally would. Newer games not listed here should work fine as is on
fast computers.
ASOUND.CVL Civilization (for DOS) *
ASOUND.117 F117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 *
ASOUND.F15 F15 Strike Eagle II
ASOUND.F19 F19 Stealth Fighter
ASOUND.LOG Logo (used in some openings)
ASOUND.KN Knights of the Sky
ASOUND.RR Railroad Tycoon
ASOUND.RSR Red Storm Rising
ASOUND.SAM Sword of the Samurai
ASOUND.SS Silent Service II
ASOUND.TNK M1 Tank Platoon
* Also fixes stereo problems with newer Pro model (OPL-3) sound cards that
had only been playing one channel.
Also available from the MPS Sound Department:
* Roland MT-32 updates for F19, F15 II, M1 Tank and Red Storm Rising
* Coming soon: Native (OPL-3) Pro boards sound drivers for Civ/DOS
General MIDI drivers for Civ/DOS and Pirates! GOLD
On-Line Support for MPS Games:
If you have a modem, you can get the latest game news, updates, demos
and other goodies from the MicroProse BBS at (410) 785-1841, 8 lines
9600 and 14.4 modems. The BBS has special inter-user chat and modem
player areas. If you frequent a FIDO-net BBS, ask your sysop to carry
the MPS echo, where you can ask us questions and get replies through
your local BBS.
You can also contact us thru AOL (MicroProse), CompuServe (76004,2223),
Delphi (MicroProse), GEnie (MicroProse), Prodigy (XHFK15D) and Internet
Non-modem equipped players can contact Customer Service at (410)
Jim McConkey, MPS Sound Guru