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freakie1one: The game does work decently in WINE since it uses OpenGL. They are considering doing Linux/MAC ports post release. Low latency multi-player is also planned (both co-op and PvP).
Thanks, nice to hear. I won't buy the game pre-linux, but now I can hope for it (and co-op).
Hello Bare_Mettle! I was wondering if I played the game with the graphical settings turned down, and in a lower resolution, if my video card with 256mb of vram would be able to cut it. If not, I still wish you all the best - this game looks AMAZING!
Very interesting game. I've checked in on this series now and then since the Sui Generis kickstarter. Back then I wasn't entirely sure if they'd be able to make their vision of the way it was to be controlled playable, but I've been pleasantly surprised by what I've seen now that I've had a chance to buy and try it.

I both really like the controls and how they relate to the combat, yet dislike them at the same time - for now at least. Like them because they're great when you find a rhythm and how they frame the way you're interacting with the gameworld. Dislike them because I don't have the 'feel' for them yet and not in control of how I'm flopping around. It's a learning curve that I expect to maybe see slimmed down a little in the final version, but never fully disappear. That's okay though, as it's a necessary part of making a game that sets out to do something that hasn't been done (well) before. Not a lot of games expect you to grow into the gameplay, rather than it being more or less instantly accessible.

I'm looking at this game as hopefully becoming a solid title on its own, while providing a solid framework for further development on Sui Generis. This is the sort of series for me where I care less about each entry in the series trying something different and more about each one taking another step towards refining the systems. The game itself definitely needs to be fleshed out more before its finished (more content in general, expanded arena, ranged combat, etc.) but I'd say that the most challenging hurdle of the controls has mostly already been taken.
Promising game, keep it going :)
This is one of the most promising games I've seen, all that physics and every object in the environment being manageable, the AI, it's just too good to be true.
low rated
Hey ! Bare-Mettle !

why you sell an empty shell from a game how never seen the release as a real game ?

why you don't say honestly you haven't cash enough to finish SUI GENERIS ?!

why, always, the player is a fucking PUMP MONEY ?!

tell us ? why SUI GENERIS isn't here ? why you show us EXANIMA so we wanted SUI GENERIS ? where's the trap ?

we don't give a f*** of EXANIMA ! it's an empty shell !

baker paid for SUI GENERIS and get EXANIMA for free ... why ? same game ? technical demo ? need more cash ?

you can need money of course but don't tell people crappy thing.

EXANIMA is a cash getting and you come on GOG because STEAM refund proposal ... and i refund your "game?" 3 times on steam ! next coin i put in your game will be for SUI GENERIS ... but at this time you will have disappeared with the money ......

however, the physic and vibe in this "technical demo" is awesome but the gameplay is crappy and as a player i can see all the work you have to make for called it a "game" ....

sorry guys but found a better way to make money.

sometimes honestly paid ...
high rated
emiliokille: Hey ! Bare-Mettle !
Cash grab? Clearly you've never had to pay for anything in your life. We're sweating blood to make the best possible game we can by whatever means possible. The game is priced at 15$ and isn't exactly popular, every penny is invested into development, some of us have other jobs to support ourselves, all of our lives' saving are gone and our families help us live and fund development.

Based on your post I feel certain that you found the game too difficult or complicated to enjoy it and experience more than a tiny fraction of it. Or rather lacked patience and had the expectation that you should be able to overcome every challenge through combat even though you're not skilled with it.

Even though there's clearly some elements of it that attract you, this game may simply not be for you. The "crappy gameplay" has been described by many as the best they've experienced in 30 years of gaming. It also has an incredibly steep learning curve though, and the game unravels slowly rather telling you what to do and urging you on with minimaps and objective markers. Sui Generis will be the same, don't assume that it will fulfil whatever expectations you personally might have imagined.

We're not trying to make a game for everyone, in fact we're sick to death of games being dumbed down and streamlined to reach the widest possible audience. If you're looking for more of a familiar RPG experience then you have plenty of games to choose from that offer precisely that, this and Sui Generis are most certainly not amongst them.
sorry Madoc
Post edited September 03, 2016 by emiliokille
Can you write 9 words without be disrespectful with the devs. or the players of Exanima, please?
The last messages that you posted are very impertinent, hostile. Your opinions or preferences are yours, but that fact is not explanation in order to attack like you are attacking. The disdain is not respect.

your right !
Post edited September 03, 2016 by emiliokille
I read messages once. Even more so when these messages are invasive. Things like "idiots" , "crash garbage", "liars" are unnecesary.

Seriously, calm down. Here only you, you are calling "liar" to the dev. team and that accusation without proof is only empty words, right?

Do you think that their work Exanima is pretty fraud. Any proofs, or only your senses, your accusations and your insults?

Burn the forum with rage is not good idea, I am sure all here can understand better your situation and speak with you, but stop it that attitude please. Try calm down, a bit at least.

See you.
Post edited September 03, 2016 by emiliokille
Addiction, totally addiction and implication with the world, I love Exanima.
I feel nerves, tension, like "damn, think quickly, what is better in this situation?" and "don´t low the guard, dude" . Explore every corner; believe that for a moment shadows are in motion, and find enemy hidden, aloof, staring you and with his impressive polearm prepared.

Totally amazing, Exanima.

Incredible work, thank you very much Bare Mettle for your efforts.
Bare_Mettle: Hello everyone!

We are a small team and all we care about is making the most awesome game we can. We interact very closely with our community and we're eager to engage with you here on GOG!


Bare Mettle
Thank you for giving me a love that I have never known. <3

Seriously though,
'Exanima' is the best and most unique hack-and-slash I've ever had in my life; I've played for days and literally had forgotten - several times - on how much time had passed. I've even gotten my friends to buy it here and on Steam just because of its refreshing take. It feels like home but with more tough love.

Please Take Your Time To Update This Amazing Gift To Our World.
Post edited December 19, 2016 by Crusism
emiliokille: Hey ! Bare-Mettle !
Bare_Mettle: We're not trying to make a game for everyone, in fact we're sick to death of games being dumbed down and streamlined to reach the widest possible audience. If you're looking for more of a familiar RPG experience then you have plenty of games to choose from that offer precisely that, this and Sui Generis are most certainly not amongst them.
Look forward to the fruits of your endeavours.