RFG_Ingmar, thank you for the reply. Do you have a lead writer/narrative director, that could take a look at this thread?
About your points:
RFG_Ingmar: You can take for granted that Delia is a Doctor AND a fierce fighter.
Maybe she is not, maybe she is. That is not important. What is important - her motivation and decision making.
Or is she a kind of person, that shoots first, asks questions later? Arming herself is just fine, but, maybe, it is better, to ask first? Or the whole point is: "Eat dirt! I'm the boss now!"?
RFG_Ingmar: BUT you should not forget what Dax was doing while being on base: Fixing stuff!! Since the base is more or less falling apart.
That must be shown in the cutscene.
RFG_Ingmar: I assume they pulled her out of her pod, put her into the MedBay (since the scene is taking place there) and went to get the important stuff done/fixed.
Dax was extremely concerned about her, but took no safety measures. Is he an idiot with gold-fish like memory span?
The cutscene implies he is.
RFG_Ingmar: The disorienting factors of defrosting seem to wear off relatively quickly. Plus Delia might have used some of the meds to get back quicker which could be the reason she got Dax off guard.
Again, no safety measures and Dax is an idiot.
RFG_Ingmar: Having friends was more vital for Adam, than being a good combatant.
I'd assume he let his guard down as soon as he saw Dax on the floor, because he considered what he could do to help, instead of considering if the threat was still around.
Yes, sound rescue strategy: let your guard down to let enemy kill both of you. Is he another easily distracted idiot with gold-fish like memory span?
The cutscene implies he is.
Conclusion: two main characters are Imbeciles, that can not be sympathized with, rendering the entire plot obsolete, because it no longer serves as motivation for playing. This is a shame, because rest of the game looks fun, so far.
P.S. Funnily enough, Dax was right after all and now has all the reasons in the world to kick Delia out of the airlock.