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HOKAI, as it stands Nanjectors are p "meh" and make beep boops and BAM your ship is healed.

Now, for those of you who've played Mechwarrior 3 or Living Legends, you probably know where I want to go with this, sound-wise. You know the coolant flush sound? How it sounds like fluid gushing out of a high-pressure system? I'm thinking of something that sounds like that but industrial and/or nanomachine-y. Pch0000.

Here's what I'm picturing:
1) Holding down consumable key charges it up and it makes a sound unique from the other consumables
2) When it deploys, your craft's code-wise HP fills instantly.
3) However, your HP bar fills at a logarithmic pace, quickly starting off and slowing down at the tail end of how much it heals
4) The ship's procedural damage decals resolve under the same effect
5 BONUS) Add some glowy lines in the ship as it heals - where the outside of the procedural damage decal edges meet the actual ship hull (I'd do this for regular nanite usage too, but less pronounced)