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I am annoyed that GOG allowed White Paper Games to overwrite my original Ether One with the Redux version. When I played the original, I had no issues. No bugs, glitches. It all worked. So when I decided to replay, lo and behold, Redux was now in my library. I figured, no problem, it is just upgraded. Nope. I ran into multiple problems. Unable to enter Morris Dancer home, unable to complete school tic tac toe game, unable to finished church piano, unable to get past level 380 in Brimclif as elevator didn't work correctly. Why wouldn't they set up Redux as a separate game.

Thankfully, Ether One original was available as a separate download so I am now playing that as I had to give up on Redux. That WPG would issue a game and then stop updates to remedy game ending issues is unforgiveable!

This is a good game. I am looking forward to Occupation, but am concerned that a similar situation will occur.
Post edited September 22, 2018 by landofozGirl