O.K. guys, I have to confess. For a short moment I lost faith when I wrote two mails and did not receive any reply. Thinking that this may be it and the update would never arrive here I made a last attempt and wrote another mail. Luckily it got answered in great detail - explaining a lot. Obvioulsy my last two mails simply where overseen. In the reply Pete also mentions the upcoming game from Whitepapergames on which they also work at the moment - probably woth to follow the link. Here is what he said:
"We will definitely still patch Ether. It's not because we've dropped support but because we can't get the fixes we need to make the patch. As you know, the programmer from Ether One left after the PS4 release and that meant that our new programmer had to figure out all the code. The code was such that it coded us down a hole that we couldn't get out of to make the patch fix - if we were to patch now, it would lose everyone's save games and possibly cause people to have to re-download. We've tried to work with Epic to get a fix in the Unreal Engine but they recommended a fix would only make things worse - it's due to the save game files and persistent saving across levels. It's the reason why some people can platinum and others can't. There's not much on my end I can do apart from wait for our programmer to get time to fix it... Which is where our other big issue lies. We're still a small team with limited funds to make a game. We need to keep moving forward and can't create a game without a programmer, we also can't afford to hire one, currently. So our programmer has been working hard on getting content together for our new game (you may have seen announced this week here:
http://occupation-game.com/ ). We have a consumer show coming up in London next week which is Rezzed and once that it done and we have the gameplay systems we need to allow the rest of the team to do their work, we'll move back onto patching Ether, which isn't a small fix - it's rewriting the save game system in a way that won't break people's games. It's an incredibly hard situation to be in as a studio but I hope people respect the fact that we need to continue working and creating games to survive. A programmer is one of the most vital roles on a team and the only one who can patch for us. We also only have 1. It's hard to prioritise the time but this was needed in order to continue developing as a studio. Please rest assured every time we see a bug report it's a terrible feeling, I hate knowing that someone is frustrated with our game that they paid their hard earned money for and we will support it as soon as we're able to. Your point about us losing existing fans is an important one - we want them to keep believing in the quality we wish to achieve and that's the biggest thing letting Ether down at the moment."
Edit: In case you are as curious as I for the next game, feel free to vote here to bring it to GOG as well: