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hello i just installed the game. what i noticed immediately is a lack of a cursor. and then i actually noticed it. it is so tiny that is almost invisible. and i have a HUGE screen !

is there any way to make it bigger ? my eyes are not what they once were and if if they are fine i have never seen tiniest cursor in my whole life. the game looks fantastic and i would be sorry if i will have to give up playing it because of this ridiculous reason. but really, i can't see where i am clicking. my cursor is just a tiny, tiny dot. hardly visible at all. please advise. thanks
Post edited July 01, 2014 by ZestyOfXeniphers
You can't make it bigger, although you can change it's opacity in order to make it more visible. Go to Options > Gameplay > Crosshair opacity.
zeffyr: You can't make it bigger, although you can change it's opacity in order to make it more visible. Go to Options > Gameplay > Crosshair opacity.
thanks :)
zeffyr: You can't make it bigger, although you can change it's opacity in order to make it more visible. Go to Options > Gameplay > Crosshair opacity.
ZestyOfXeniphers: thanks :)
You're welcome, have fun with this awesome game! :)