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I like to be thorough but every once in a while you come across games that have seemingly endless forest and or swamps and or deserts that you don't need to hit EVERY itch of to build up a great character and win (Sacred comes to mind) and I was curious how this title fits into that? Thanks.
You certainly don't 'need' to uncover all the map in each area, but I found it necessary more than not to just uncover quest objectives that can be tucked away in unlikely parts of the map.

The maps for each area are not that big and uncovering them didn't take very much time at all. Some of them (forest areas) have different branching paths and you cant wander off from them into the trees etc anyway
Post edited September 21, 2013 by Huff
Huff: You certainly don't 'need' to uncover all the map in each area, but I found it necessary more than not to just uncover quest objectives that can be tucked away in unlikely parts of the map.

The maps for each area are not that big and uncovering them didn't take very much time at all. Some of them (forest areas) have different branching paths and you cant wander off from them into the trees etc anyway
Thanks! +1
When I first started playing, because your character moves relatively slow, I thought "Shit it's gonna take me all day just to get to the next town!" but you're right, there is a lot of branching and other stuff used as filler that makes the actual walking areas not so daunting.

Thanks again.
Hi, I just finished EB 1 and I can tell you confidently that this game is not epic in scope. The areas, as mentioned, are relatively small. I have to say that it kind of ends early. I half expected to have more stuff to do, but then it ended. All in all, total playtime for me was almost 80 hours, if the save game indicator in EB1 is accurate.

It's an ok game. It's not particularly hard.