I want to ask one thing, if you have a Joystick you still have to remap the controller the same way? Like using third party programs or whatever. Or is there any difference?
Well I would assume you are also using the latest all mods patch. At the least, it means I can play in 1440p.
http://eechcentral.simhq.com/index.php?title=Installation_guide With a Logitech Extreme 3D pro, without any software (no logitech crappy drivers either, just default windows)Have to assign the axes in game settings
- I assigned throttle to the slider, can assign collective but I did not like that. also click reverse on this.
hat and buttons 1-4 are automatic (see section 3.18 of manual)
other buttons do not do anything - I would also assume there is a work around for various joysticks but not looking for that just yet.