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high rated
Greetings, survivors!

--- Fixed ---
Buildings: Fixed broken 'remove street' task.
Buildings: Fixed an error that could happen after clearing the Pasture.
Savegames: Savegames made during a specific update of the community preview have been fixed and should work again.

--- Known Issues ---
Settlers: Pausing a building while it is under construction (all resources have already been brought to the building) and then re-enabling the construction, the building is not constructed any further. We’ll try to address this in an upcoming hotfix.
Settlers: Clearing Construction sites can take a long time. This is because tasks are not always correctly prioritizing available builders and settler distance. We are looking into this issue but it might take a few days to fix.

- Your Team from Gentlymad & Assemble Entertainment

Changelog Version 0.7.7642.30690
high rated
Due to some technical issues, we couldn't provide you with the patch notes for the major update when it launched. So, here are them:

Livestock Update - Now available | Early Access (Version 0.7.7639.31134)

Greetings, survivors!

In the ninth update for Endzone it is possible for the first time not only to hunt animals in the wild, but also to catch them and keep them in pastures implemented for this purpose. Four completely new species of animals now roam the radioactive forests of Endzone, offering a much wider range of food than just their meat. In addition, the settler behavior has been reworked again and allows to understand their actions much easier and to better integrate them into the natural flow of the game. Players should not only notice a boost in efficiency, but also be "rewarded" by a logical settlement structure, leading to a well balanced settlement.

--- Added ---
Buildings: Added a Pasture, allowing you to raise and keep animals as another steady food source. Animals on the pasture need water to survive, which is supplied by herders. You can control and customize the behavior of the Pasture to your liking, deciding to butcher animals or only harvest their produce.
Buildings: Added 2 new work modes to the Hunting Lodge. Wild animals can now be caught by the Hunter. Be aware that only 2 different species of animals will appear on the map, but you can find animals of other species by trading.
Buildings: Added a Food Counter. This building is part of the logistic buildings and it lets you redistribute food to places, where it is really needed or not readily available. A logistician assigned to the Food Counter will look for food inside the working area, fetching and storing it in the building’s inventory. You can also decide which food types should be stored.
Buildings: Added new visuals for the normal school building to relate better to the Advanced School.
Buildings: Added new settler badge for herder.
Animals: Added sounds to all animal species.
Animals: Added 4 new animal species: Buffaloes, Hares, Chickens, and Goats. Every new map seed features 2 randomly picked animals from all available species including deer and boars.
Animals: Added different properties for all animal species. All animals provide different types of meat. Some species also produce additional resources like Milk or Eggs. Furthermore, every species yields different amounts of meat and has its own reproduction rate.
Trading: Added animals to the special goods inventory of several traders. Traders will only carry animals that you can’t find on the map.
Resources: Added 2 new recipes to the kitchen: Cake and Stew. Both resources offer different effects when consumed. Eating a cake will give a bonus in confidence, while consuming Stew will regenerate your settlers’ health.
Tutorial: Added a new Tutorial for food production. This tutorial offers a comprehensive overview of all the different ways of producing and distributing food.
Settlers: Added prioritization options for settlers to prioritize certain types of tasks: Build, Build Streets and Repair. This can be adjusted in the Town Center, using Drag and Drop.
Music: Added another music track, which plays back in “normal” gameplay situations.
Decrees: Added a new decree: “Loitering Ban”. With this decree, your settlers will stop visiting their homes to gain confidence and avoid any leisure activities, making them very efficient but also unhappy.
UI: Added new popup window to easily solve conflicts when the player tries to prioritize the construction or repair of multiple buildings.
UI: Added 2D avatars for roaming animals.
Fields: Added a new seed: Black Salsify. This seed replaces the roots resource, which could not be acquired by any production building.

--- Fixed ---
Buildings: Fixed Scrap Totem click sound, which used a wrong sound file.
Buildings: Fixed a bug in the Hunting Lodge that could result in hunters still killing animals, when the production limit for food was already reached.
Buildings: Lowered volume of Fields ambience sound.
Buildings: Fixed bug in field-of-influence-check for several buildings like the Market.
Buildings: Several fixes that prevented building of streets.
Buildings: Gatherer Hut is no longer looking for roots.
Buildings: Fixed source selection of irrigation plants not being available on old savegames.
Tutorial: Game is now paused if the endscreen of a scenario is opened.
Tutorial: Fixed that players can go back into the game by pressing ESC in the Main Menu when they have a completed tutorial session in the background.
UI: Fixed missing sound cue when starting a new game session.
UI: Removed misleading UI sound when clicking on buttons.
UI: Toggling Repair on/off using the keyboard shortcut now only works ingame and not e.g. while typing the savegame name in the main menu.
Trading: Only paying with food now also changes the reputation with traders.
Trading: Fixed “Start Trade” button being interactable, even if the deal is considered as unfair.
Trading: Fixed food not removed correctly if traded with a specific food resource.
Environment: Fixed issues with first plants still stacking on top of each other under certain conditions.
Environment: Forest Plants without a parent tree will slowly shrink and vanish, fixing save games that experienced the first plant stacking bug.
Savegames: A new game id is now created when clicking “restart” in the main menu. This way, new savegames receive their own game slot.
Localization: Several grammar and typo fixes for German localization.
Settlers: Fixed wrong labeling when settlers are idling in certain cases.

--- Tweaked ---
Settlers: Settlers are no longer visiting their home for food and water. Instead, settlers satisfy their needs for food and water by searching for the nearest collection point or storage. This boosts the overall efficiency of settlers, as it reduces time spent walking back and forth between homes and workplaces.
Settlers: Settlers will now visit their homes periodically to relax and chill, gaining a boost in confidence for a certain amount of time.
Settlers: Settlers now use a more complex system when assigning themselves to workplaces and homes. This should result in less job switching and shorter walking distances.
Settlers: Changed behavior of Repair and Build Next button. Tasks are no longer stacked and should be executed faster. If your streets are built too slow, please use the prioritization in the Town Center instead.
Settlers: Settlers now try to get all resources they need in one go if the building they are visiting has several resources they need. Before, settlers would visit the same building several times to acquire their resources one by one.
Expeditions: Reworked filtering options when setting up an expedition.
Expeditions: Added a new notification when a ruin was scouted.
Expeditions: Big performance boost for the expeditions' setup window.
Animals: Animal species spawned on the map are now bound to the map seed.
Tutorial: Changed the tutorial map to use a specific savegame instead of a seed.
Graveyard: Bumped up the number of maximum morticians from 3 to 10.
Decrees: Removed the graveyard decree, as it was misleading and often misused and did not offer the expected benefit.
Diseases: Randomized settler selection when a disease breaks out.
Buildings: The Irrigation Plant now highlights its worker paths.
Buildings: Street building tasks are now broken down to chunks of tasks, to make building streets more efficient.
Buildings: Rain Collectors now show the Turnover Tab.
Buildings: Production buildings now give additional information about the settlers working in it, such as showing the tools they are using, their educational status, and so on.
Trading: Generating a fair trade now takes reputation into account.
Trading: Trading Window now displays the available inventory of the trading post and warns the player if a trade cannot be concluded when there’s not enough inventory space.
Trading: Improved layout of Trade Window.
UI: ‘Quit Game’ button now only prompts the player if he really wants to quit, if the session was not previously saved in the main menu.
UI: Re-enabled hotkey to (de-)activate repairs.
UI: Changed sorting of several buildings in the Buildings Tab.
UI: Added a warning to the “Repair Next” button if repair is currently disabled.
UI: Changed Start Button Sound to a more rewarding one.
Achievements: Reduced achievement progression intervals, so that achievement progress isn’t triggered as often, which was especially noticeable in the main tutorial.

We know that there are still some things we need to fix, and we are listening to your feedback. We try to address all important issues in a timely manner and make the game as a whole more understandable and fair. However, it is important to note that Endzone - A World Apart is a survival game. Challenging gameplay, as well as a difficult learning curve, are intended and are designed to provide the player with a difficult task.

- Your team from Gentlymad & Assemble Entertainment

Changelog Version 0.7.7639.31134
Post edited December 04, 2020 by Assemble_Skoddy