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What a great game you are working on, it has kept me entertained for a couple of evenings and nights now, with more to come for sure. And so, it is time to do my part of giving something back to you in the form of feedback, it is early access after all and you are literally asking for it so here it comes, numbered for easy reference but in no particular order. And yes, I got a bit carried away once I got started.

Observed playing version 0.7.7404.37363

1. ) Water production limit may as well follow actual storage capacity, if that can be coded.
2. ) Water carry capacity really differ in this game. I’ve seen an Irrigator carry 100 water, an adult carry 50 water for their house, yet the dedicated Water Carriers can only carry 25… Its inconsistent, yet I know it’s all about balance.
3. ) When building Wells, it would be useful to see the existing and planned but not yet built Wells and Cisterns/Water Towers and their range.
4. ) Water Tower/Cistern, it would be nice if you could see current amount of stored water directly on the first info tab when you select the building.
5. ) Pipes! Other have already suggested it, and I support it. :)
Think of how reservoirs and aqueducts functioned in the old classics Caesar III and IV. So that water can flow from Water Towers (not Cisterns) through pipes to other Water Towers and Cisterns, allowing a few Water Towers to be dedicated gathering points and others only distribute to settlers and provide extra storage capacity. And yes, it would be cool if you could hook the market directly up to the pipe system.
6. ) Joint seems misplaced in the Raw Materials category. Grouping it with Beer and Hard Liquor seems more natural, but what to call the new category? “Vices”, “Booze and Smokes”, “Beverages & Stimulants”???
7. ) Storage capacity of Warehouse and Bus for a given item is confusing given they differ with item. Perhaps you could elaborate on these details in the survival guide in-game.
8. ) When blocking a given item in Warehouses, any already stored stock should be shipped to other Warehouses if possible.
9. ) Warehouses could have a worker or two, who in turn could use cards or wagons to push large amount of goods around to streamline production lines. Come think of it, the Logisticians of the Market should also use cards. (Trying to think of how Caesar IV did it, did they get goods or send them? Both?)
10. ) Another suggestion of a new building I support, the Granary. It seems odd to store food in the warehouse… (And I don’t want cabbage in my tools...)
11. ) Sound like people have trouble with the hunter, maybe increase the diameter of the work area.
12. ) Diagonal roads could be cool.
13. ) Rain forecast icons, why not color uncontaminated rain blue? (For when you have the Weather Station.)
14. ) Pausing the game stops everything, even rain… except the flames and smoke of bonfires and smoke from chimneys. Not game breaking but it looks funny.
15. ) When building structures, it would be nice if other structures full floor plan is shown, not just their access point and roads. In particular Cultivated Fields and Orchards have been given me trouble, I can’t see where they start or end.
16. ) The Market, something is wrong with its work area. I moved it to cover a Water Tower, but it ignored it. I eventually constructed a Water Tower closer by and that worked. I don’t think this issue is limited to water.
17. ) The Hospital could use a second Medic. In case the first one is sick! I found my hospital Medic inline for himself, which resulted in all the sick people lining up outside waiting their turn, and all of them just standing there waiting for the Medic... (with medicine in stock there).
18. ) Tasks are a mess, I seriously don’t pay attention to them. And when I do look, they always want something that I find inconvenient at that time. But don’t give up on them, they just need a better purpose, perhaps some grander objective.
19. ) Children don’t use tools, but they appear to be counted in the calculation for percentage of settlers with tools. I had near 200 metal tools in stock and no request from anyone missing any, yet 16% without tools which however fit with my population (81 adults, 15 children).
20. ) Farmers should help each other, to lesson micromanagement that can quickly become tedious and to time consuming when your town is more of city. If Cultivated Fields and Orchards have a working area, then the farmer can go assist any other Cultivated Field and Orchards overlapped by this area once his/her own choirs are done. The working area could be about the size of the Irrigation Plant building, but of course locked to always cover the origin Cultivated Field and Orchards.
21. ) The pattern farmers move in when working a given Cultivated Field is not efficient when more than one farmer is working it, they sort of walk in each other’s way, when it would be more efficient if they handled a row each.
22. ) Someone suggested greenhouses could be the evolution of farming, I agree. It would be expensive, require lots of power for night lighting but increases speed of grow, and of course lots of water (direct pipe to Water Towers). The greenhouse in turn completely protects against the elements, radioactive rain, droughts and sandstorms, providing an efficient and safe source of food.
23. ) Pub does not connect to the power grid, despite nearby Electric Power Pole (with power of course).
24. ) The Market, what does it use 500 electricity for??? Every other building is 50! That said, I’m all for different buildings needing different amounts of power, though I would say production buildings should be the power hungry ones, particular the Refinery.
25. ) I was looking at power and battery interaction, charge/discharge time, and my math could be wrong, but it occurred to me that nighttime is longer than daytime based on when the Solar Collector produced power. Should it not be evenly distributed?
26. ) I was surprised how the Solar Collector output went from 0 to 2500 output power from one moment to the next. Maybe it could follow the daylight by increasing/decreasing gradually as the sun comes up/down.
27. ) When building Electric Power Poles for the power grid, we really need to be able to clearly see existing and planned grid. You already use color coding. I suggest advancing it:
• Blue: Built and powered grid backbone (Solar Collector, Batteries, Electric Power Poles).
• Green: Planned construction of grid backbone.
• Yellow: Powered buildings.
• Orange: Buildings about to be powered by planned grid.
• Red: Unpowered Electric Power Poles and Batteries.
• Gray: Unpowered buildings.
• White: Buildings that does not benefit from power.

Well that's my 2, 3, 4... ehh... 27 Cents :)
Hope it helps
Post edited April 14, 2020 by Kneecap
Kneecap: What a great game you are working on, it has kept me entertained for a couple of evenings and nights now, with more to come for sure. And so, it is time to do my part of giving something back to you in the form of feedback, it is early access after all and you are literally asking for it so here it comes, numbered for easy reference but in no particular order. And yes, I got a bit carried away once I got started.

Observed playing version 0.7.7404.37363

1. ) Water production limit may as well follow actual storage capacity, if that can be coded.
2. ) Water carry capacity really differ in this game. I’ve seen an Irrigator carry 100 water, an adult carry 50 water for their house, yet the dedicated Water Carriers can only carry 25… Its inconsistent, yet I know it’s all about balance.
3. ) When building Wells, it would be useful to see the existing and planned but not yet built Wells and Cisterns/Water Towers and their range.
4. ) Water Tower/Cistern, it would be nice if you could see current amount of stored water directly on the first info tab when you select the building.
5. ) Pipes! Other have already suggested it, and I support it. :)
Think of how reservoirs and aqueducts functioned in the old classics Caesar III and IV. So that water can flow from Water Towers (not Cisterns) through pipes to other Water Towers and Cisterns, allowing a few Water Towers to be dedicated gathering points and others only distribute to settlers and provide extra storage capacity. And yes, it would be cool if you could hook the market directly up to the pipe system.
6. ) Joint seems misplaced in the Raw Materials category. Grouping it with Beer and Hard Liquor seems more natural, but what to call the new category? “Vices”, “Booze and Smokes”, “Beverages & Stimulants”???
7. ) Storage capacity of Warehouse and Bus for a given item is confusing given they differ with item. Perhaps you could elaborate on these details in the survival guide in-game.
8. ) When blocking a given item in Warehouses, any already stored stock should be shipped to other Warehouses if possible.
9. ) Warehouses could have a worker or two, who in turn could use cards or wagons to push large amount of goods around to streamline production lines. Come think of it, the Logisticians of the Market should also use cards. (Trying to think of how Caesar IV did it, did they get goods or send them? Both?)
10. ) Another suggestion of a new building I support, the Granary. It seems odd to store food in the warehouse… (And I don’t want cabbage in my tools...)
11. ) Sound like people have trouble with the hunter, maybe increase the diameter of the work area.
12. ) Diagonal roads could be cool.
13. ) Rain forecast icons, why not color uncontaminated rain blue? (For when you have the Weather Station.)
14. ) Pausing the game stops everything, even rain… except the flames and smoke of bonfires and smoke from chimneys. Not game breaking but it looks funny.
15. ) When building structures, it would be nice if other structures full floor plan is shown, not just their access point and roads. In particular Cultivated Fields and Orchards have been given me trouble, I can’t see where they start or end.
16. ) The Market, something is wrong with its work area. I moved it to cover a Water Tower, but it ignored it. I eventually constructed a Water Tower closer by and that worked. I don’t think this issue is limited to water.
17. ) The Hospital could use a second Medic. In case the first one is sick! I found my hospital Medic inline for himself, which resulted in all the sick people lining up outside waiting their turn, and all of them just standing there waiting for the Medic... (with medicine in stock there).
18. ) Tasks are a mess, I seriously don’t pay attention to them. And when I do look, they always want something that I find inconvenient at that time. But don’t give up on them, they just need a better purpose, perhaps some grander objective.
19. ) Children don’t use tools, but they appear to be counted in the calculation for percentage of settlers with tools. I had near 200 metal tools in stock and no request from anyone missing any, yet 16% without tools which however fit with my population (81 adults, 15 children).
20. ) Farmers should help each other, to lesson micromanagement that can quickly become tedious and to time consuming when your town is more of city. If Cultivated Fields and Orchards have a working area, then the farmer can go assist any other Cultivated Field and Orchards overlapped by this area once his/her own choirs are done. The working area could be about the size of the Irrigation Plant building, but of course locked to always cover the origin Cultivated Field and Orchards.
21. ) The pattern farmers move in when working a given Cultivated Field is not efficient when more than one farmer is working it, they sort of walk in each other’s way, when it would be more efficient if they handled a row each.
22. ) Someone suggested greenhouses could be the evolution of farming, I agree. It would be expensive, require lots of power for night lighting but increases speed of grow, and of course lots of water (direct pipe to Water Towers). The greenhouse in turn completely protects against the elements, radioactive rain, droughts and sandstorms, providing an efficient and safe source of food.
23. ) Pub does not connect to the power grid, despite nearby Electric Power Pole (with power of course).
24. ) The Market, what does it use 500 electricity for??? Every other building is 50! That said, I’m all for different buildings needing different amounts of power, though I would say production buildings should be the power hungry ones, particular the Refinery.
25. ) I was looking at power and battery interaction, charge/discharge time, and my math could be wrong, but it occurred to me that nighttime is longer than daytime based on when the Solar Collector produced power. Should it not be evenly distributed?
26. ) I was surprised how the Solar Collector output went from 0 to 2500 output power from one moment to the next. Maybe it could follow the daylight by increasing/decreasing gradually as the sun comes up/down.
27. ) When building Electric Power Poles for the power grid, we really need to be able to clearly see existing and planned grid. You already use color coding. I suggest advancing it:
• Blue: Built and powered grid backbone (Solar Collector, Batteries, Electric Power Poles).
• Green: Planned construction of grid backbone.
• Yellow: Powered buildings.
• Orange: Buildings about to be powered by planned grid.
• Red: Unpowered Electric Power Poles and Batteries.
• Gray: Unpowered buildings.
• White: Buildings that does not benefit from power.

Well that's my 2, 3, 4... ehh... 27 Cents :)
Hope it helps
Wow, this is really a lot of Feedback and really valuable!
Some of your points have been either mentioned before or we are already discussing some of this :)

So to answer all your points would take a while, so let me make this a Tldr:

1. Your ideas to upgradable buildings, pipes or other buildings that should be part of the game, are mainly things we indeed have already discussed internally, but this is something for the future, since we need to focus on balancing right now.
2. Good points in terms of balancing form you as well, lots of things can be easily adressed. However our developers will probably need some time to do so, since again: They are focused on something different ATM.

Still, thank you a lot!
You are very welcome :)

I swear my feedback just started with a few notes on a piece of paper, and then somewhere along the way my R&D engineering habits took over... It happens...

I'm glad that I can help. I know the importance of good feedback is vital, of both the good and the bad stuff.
Which reminds me, I impressed by the weather system! Good job on that.

And don't make the game to easy! I like a good challenge.
The trick of course being how to do that while keeping mechanics fair and without bias.

You guys keep at it!
And take your time to do it right.
Kneecap: You are very welcome :)

I swear my feedback just started with a few notes on a piece of paper, and then somewhere along the way my R&D engineering habits took over... It happens...

I'm glad that I can help. I know the importance of good feedback is vital, of both the good and the bad stuff.
Which reminds me, I impressed by the weather system! Good job on that.

And don't make the game to easy! I like a good challenge.
The trick of course being how to do that while keeping mechanics fair and without bias.

You guys keep at it!
And take your time to do it right.
Definitely! Feedback is important no matter if its good or bad, it just needs to be precise and friendly :D

And thanks to that! I love the weather as well.

The game will remain hard overall, no worries :)