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I've been messing around with this game for a few hours, and have unlocked the druid class. I find the class to be awesome, but I can't figure out what the secondary firing modes do. For instance, the ice bolt staff conjures a field of ice around you, and the nature staff creates wind, but they don't seem to do anything. So does anyone know what they're supposed to do?
This question / problem has been solved by Ralackkimage
Does the Ice and wind not act as a shield when you fight against enemys and use it?
Hmm. It seems as though they do. When I had tried to use them to shield myself before I got hit anyway, but it seems as though I was starting it too late\releasing them to early. Thanks for the clarification!
Ahh I figured it may have been bugged or something, good to hear its working properly though.
If you hold down the right mouse button and then press the left mouse button you can hurt near by enemies pretty bad. You need a lot of mana though and you need to time both the shield and the attack well.