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Wow! I just bought this game today on sale for $2.99 and I am incredibly pleased! I thought it would just be "okay" because I read some reviews on it being visually pleasant but boring and such.

They were 50% wrong! Lol

The game is indeed visually pleasant. This game is freaking beautiful! I'm running it with max texture settings etc. and I am quite impressed. For such an old game there are some really good textures in here.

The sound is another thing. The music is incredible! It really enthralls you and makes you completely forget about real life and puts you straight in the game. It is by far some of the best atmospheric music I've heard in a game as old as this.

The fighting is pretty good. It isn't the absolute best but it does the trick and can be pretty difficult starting around level 6 (that's quest 6, there is no leveling system). Pretty standard hack and slash, only thing is there are very limited animations and you are often left running backwards for a few seconds just so you can time your swing to hit properly. Drinking potions is a tad annoying. It looks good and makes you feel like it's real but... standing there for 6 seconds chugging before you can swing or shoot again is a tad annoying.

Linear. This is one of the draw backs. There isn't an RPG element in this game other then choosing which campaign (light and dark) to follow. The quest basically moves on over the span of the levels (I'm on quest 6 for the light campaign, I don't know how many there are) and you don't choose where it goes. Basically it's a kick back hack and slash with an awesome story that you watch unfold as you go through countless quests slaughtering enemies like a bad-ass.

The story to this game is actually really good so far. You start off the game with a REALLY long introduction video. Watch it though.. watch it all.. it's awesome.

The game-play is actually pretty decent. The story unfolds quite rapidly and it get's you into the world and having fun right from the get-go. Even the introduction tutorial isn't noticeable. You learn from playing! And the scripted events are freaking sweet so far! Also, the level design is immaculate. Everything from sneaky bowmen hiding in the rafters to little enemies jumping out of bushes a,bushing you. Careful thought was clearly used everywhere they placed any kind of enemy or item and it shows. This kind of thought put into a game makes it so freaking FUN!

That's about it! This game is freaking awesome! I'm so happy it was on sale, I probably wouldn't have come across it at all without the promo deal this weekend. This is worth $2.99 for sure but I would have spent $5.99 for it now that I know how good it is.