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Hello, i have some problems with Enclave.

first: game "movies" and main menu (which also contains movies of some sort) are very unstable, they have a lot of "hic ups" almost like the tries to load it from badly scratched DVD and also sound and subtilities are out of sync.

I tried to download newest BINK because game seems to use it but it didnt work.

second: game itself works "OK" but the character tends to "blink" times to times(around every 5-10 sek) so it looks almost like he is teleporting forward.

I have windows XP, newest drivers but this game is old, i don't think that is the case to be honest.


I discovered i have the same problem with Earth 2150 made by the same company.
Post edited March 31, 2013 by PnPride

to anyone who has same problems - it's a fault of 2+ core cpu, all you need to do is to change cpu usage from multiple to one in task manager. Everything works perfectly in both games HOWEVER if anyone could give me a hint how to make it permanent? Because changing it every time i start those games can be annoying :P
Post edited March 31, 2013 by PnPride

to anyone who has same problems - it's a fault of 2+ core cpu, all you need to do is to change cpu usage from multiple to one in task manager. Everything works perfectly in both games HOWEVER if anyone could give me a hint how to make it permanent? Because changing it every time i start those games can be annoying :P
You can make a shortcut to Enclave.exe, and then add the following in the 'Target' field to have it run on a single core when launched. (Right click the shortcut and select properties)

As an example:

Is Changed to:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C START "Enclave" /high /affinity 1 "D:\EnclaveGold\Enclave.exe"

There are also some simple GUI programs out there that let you launch applications with specific cores set, these should be easy to find by doing a search. Hope this helps!
Post edited March 31, 2013 by Amran
Somehow I can't get it work, I'll get a software for this and it should be good. Thanks thought :)


Can anyone mark my second post as a solution? thanks!
Post edited April 04, 2013 by PnPride
Interesting. I have multiple cores too, but I don't have any problems with the game.
Well, i have only two cores which is kinda rare these days (I think). Most people are sitting on 4cores+ so maybe thats why.
Haven't had any troubles with the game before on my own two core systems, must be a mix of the hardware or drivers. Still good to know there's a fix for the issue if it ever pops up!