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At this moment I ma downloading this game. I read some reviews and it has some gameplay problems, graphics looks good and its a hack and slash like Heretic II.

I notice the GOG version of this game is but there is a patch which updates the game 1.02 link its only a small download. I like to know what it dose?
There doesn't seem to be any patch on that page anymore. Just a level editor/GDK (Game development kit, I think?). Neither of which seem to be available for download.

In fact, I can't find any sign of a patch anywhere on Google or Bing, nor on the Starbreeze website. Are you sure you didn't misread the page?
Post edited February 29, 2012 by geminidomino
Gerza71: At this moment I ma downloading this game. I read some reviews and it has some gameplay problems, graphics looks good and its a hack and slash like Heretic II.

I notice the GOG version of this game is but there is a patch which updates the game 1.02 link its only a small download. I like to know what it dose?
That patch you linked to is for the bloody demo. Learn to read and use common sense before making such outlandish threads.
Gerza71: At this moment I ma downloading this game. I read some reviews and it has some gameplay problems, graphics looks good and its a hack and slash like Heretic II.

I notice the GOG version of this game is but there is a patch which updates the game 1.02 [url=] link[/url] its only a small download. I like to know what it dose?
Stixsmaster: That patch you linked to is for the bloody demo. Learn to read and use common sense before making such outlandish threads.
That's a little uncalled for and rude for an honest mistake (and an easy one to make given the page at hand) and there was hardly anything "outlandish" about it.

Furthermore this was posted 8 flipping months ago, why are you even resurrecting this topic at all? Just to lash out at someone?

Hey Gerza, if still visit GOG did you enjoy the game? I discovered GOG for this very game and this was my first purchase. I hope you've been enjoying it.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by Sequiro