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Totally amazing!
I just downloaded this game to play at home on my wife's old laptop (Pentium4 2.6, Mobility Radeon 7500, 512 Mb RAM) and I wasn't expecting great performance from the videos and screenshots I had seen of the game, but...
Not only did it run great on it but also I was amazed by the storyline, the graphics, the sound, the way it captivates you right form the start. I had never heard of this game before and I think it's totally under-rated; this game is one of those that still worried about offering quality at all levels, but mostly offering a lot of well created fun, unlike most of today's games with their ultra-uber-powerful engines but totally void in their content.
Well developed, lots of fun, fluid graphics, made me feel like playing Gothic 3 but a ton times better.
afecelis: Totally amazing!

I just downloaded this game to play at home on my wife's old laptop (Pentium4 2.6, Mobility Radeon 7500, 512 Mb RAM) and I wasn't expecting great performance from the videos and screenshots I had seen of the game, but...
Not only did it run great on it but also I was amazed by the storyline, the graphics, the sound, the way it captivates you right form the start. I had never heard of this game before and I think it's totally under-rated; this game is one of those that still worried about offering quality at all levels, but mostly offering a lot of well created fun, unlike most of today's games with their ultra-uber-powerful engines but totally void in their content.
Well developed, lots of fun, fluid graphics, made me feel like playing Gothic 3 but a ton times better.
I agree. Enclave never got the respect it deserved IMHO. There are problems with the fighting mechanics but I wouldn't call them game breakers like some people in the past have. The choice of characters and weapons is a bit simplified which I think turned some people off. The one thing no one could ever complain about is the graphics. They were amazing then and even now. I think Enclave has stood the test of time very well. Whats your favorite character to play? I always play the Druid. Shes the best and hot lol
Agree with you both. I just purchased this today, and wasn't expecting much, since I knew nothing about it.

When I fired it up at 1920 x 1200 (I couldn't believe an old game would even have this option), I was stunned by how beautiful it looked! I absolutly am loving the graphics. I've even stopped several times to admire the paintings on the walls. Very evocative, and I feel like I'm in a real place.

I was further amazed to find that there is an option for 1st person mode! And it works! In fact, all the controls seem to work well.

And a reverse Y-axis option! Will wonders never cease! I can't play without the reverse Y-axis, and I was half-expecting this game not to have it, but there it was.

I'm not very far in, but so far this is the best money I've spent on a game in a long time. Very pleasantly surprised!
I remember getting the game when it came out on the xbox. The game was fun then and still fun now. It certainly sucks that the game never went past the pc port. I was always excited for Enclave 2, hoping that it will have some sort of multiplayer battle with Good Vs. Evil in a persistent world map fighting over locations.

They canceled the second in development. Then they were going to port Enclave on the wii, but I have not heard much about that so I am guessing that is no longer in development.

Starbreeze made lots of great games, and still they are not as popular as they should be.
I played years ago, and i bought it again. It´s such a AAA game, underated in it´s moment.
I find it to be a lot of fun. Simple arcade action.