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Hi, I bought 3 games, Enclave being one of them. All three games runs perfectly except this problem I have with Enclave, the game never saves. It seems that it should be done automatically at the end of a stage, but every time I launch the game I have to start from the first level. There is my game, with the name I choose for it, but it is the only thing that I can keep memory of.

Anybody can help? many thanks!
It should save at the end of every completed mission as you mentioned. The saves should be getting written to ..\Enclave\Sbz1\Save. Is anything being created there when you complete a level?
Yes there is a folder with the name I've chosen and inside it a file named gamestate_xrg

thanks for your help I hope you can guess what is wrong....

(I written a "_" instead of "." cause I could not post something too similar to a web link...)
Post edited January 27, 2013 by Gugnihr
Did you install the game in the default location? Because of the security changes in Windows since Vista, some older games have issues writing saves to the Program Files directory, so it is usually best to install them someplace else, like C:\Games.
Post edited January 27, 2013 by cogadh
I installed it in the directory where I keep every game (except Painkiller cause I made a mistake during installation), but it is not on C:\ but in D:\ (Painkiller is in C:\ but it is the very last game I installed)

I don't know if there is a way to determine Windows default directory for games, maybe I have only Painkiller in the default one...

I'd like to know if I can transfer them without reinstalling them (I'd like to put Painkiller in D:\ if I can without too much trouble).. I mean I know shortcuts will not work anymore and I will have to recreate them but I don't know if there would be other and more bad problems if I do... like games not finding necessary libraries and things like that...

EDIT: obviously none of my games is installed in the Program files directory, all of them are in a custom directory from the root
Post edited January 28, 2013 by Gugnihr
Gugnihr: I installed it in the directory where I keep every game (except Painkiller cause I made a mistake during installation), but it is not on C:\ but in D:\ (Painkiller is in C:\ but it is the very last game I installed)

I don't know if there is a way to determine Windows default directory for games, maybe I have only Painkiller in the default one...

I'd like to know if I can transfer them without reinstalling them (I'd like to put Painkiller in D:\ if I can without too much trouble).. I mean I know shortcuts will not work anymore and I will have to recreate them but I don't know if there would be other and more bad problems if I do... like games not finding necessary libraries and things like that...

EDIT: obviously none of my games is installed in the Program files directory, all of them are in a custom directory from the root
The default directory would be C:\Program Files (x86)\\[game name]. If the game is installed in any other directory that is not "owned" by Windows, it's not User Account Control (the security change I mentioned) getting in the way. I'm not really sure what could be the problem if you are already avoiding that major pitfall. This is a longshot, but have you checked the file properties of the save directory and the save files themselves to make sure they are not set to "read only"?

As for moving Painkiller, the easiest way to do it is to just uninstall/reinstall (backup your saves first). The installation process writes registry entries that are required by the game and simply moving the game files will break that.
Definitely an odd issue, not something I've seen before. It sounds like it is creating a profile folder and save file once you start a level, but then possibly having trouble writing or reading changes to it. As above, it's worth checking to see if the directories/files created are set as read only.

You could also see if the contents of the gamestate file change at all between when it's first written (as you start the first level) and after the game should have saved. (Once it states 'Saving Game..' as you complete the level) It can be opened in a text editor such as notepad.

If all else fails, you could attempt a reinstall. (as much of a pain as it can be)
Ok thank you all, I will check properties of file and directory and if everything seems it should work while it does not actually I will try to reinstall it in the same folder as Painkiller this time.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by Gugnihr