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Regarding the Huntress and the other missile characters, does anyone have trouble using them?

I saw it suggested that I should use the Huntress for the mission that I'm on, but I find it next to impossible. By the time I've got a shot off, the enemy is bearing down on me. And apparently, the bow does hardly any damage up close.

I think I might be using the multi-arrows, maybe that's what's taking me so long to fire? But any tips on using the missile characters would be appreciated.
It's been a while since I've played this game, but a few things come to mind.

First, use the crossbow as your primary weapon. It's fairly quick and generally more useful for most fights. I like to open with the bow and either sniper/fire/multi arrows, switch to the crossbow and then maybe the dagger if they're too close.

The levels are basically designed to allow for running backwards. In certain areas you're expected to be constantly moving backwards while firing.

If you have sniper arrows, it's extremely handy to use them to thin out any groups you can see in the distance, as a headshot is almost guaranteed a kill.

There's really no need to wait for the Huntress to fully load the multi arrow, you only need to load four or five and fire again for an effective shot (of course, load more if you have a chance).

That's all I can really think of. Out of curiosity, which level are you stuck on?
PenutBrittle: It's been a while since I've played this game, but a few things come to mind.

First, use the crossbow as your primary weapon. It's fairly quick and generally more useful for most fights. I like to open with the bow and either sniper/fire/multi arrows, switch to the crossbow and then maybe the dagger if they're too close.

The levels are basically designed to allow for running backwards. In certain areas you're expected to be constantly moving backwards while firing.

If you have sniper arrows, it's extremely handy to use them to thin out any groups you can see in the distance, as a headshot is almost guaranteed a kill.

There's really no need to wait for the Huntress to fully load the multi arrow, you only need to load four or five and fire again for an effective shot (of course, load more if you have a chance).

That's all I can really think of. Out of curiosity, which level are you stuck on?
I wouldn't say I'm stuck so to speak, because I've only died two or three times. But I get decimated so quickly right now that I'm wondering what I could do better here.

I'm on the level with the merchant at the temple. I break into the temple, and that damn thing that fires poison gas just mutilates me before I can even hit it.

Thanks for the tip about moving backwards constantly, and the one about the Crossbow. I've been using the Longbow only with the Huntress.
stoicsentry: I wouldn't say I'm stuck so to speak, because I've only died two or three times. But I get decimated so quickly right now that I'm wondering what I could do better here.

I'm on the level with the merchant at the temple. I break into the temple, and that damn thing that fires poison gas just mutilates me before I can even hit it.

Thanks for the tip about moving backwards constantly, and the one about the Crossbow. I've been using the Longbow only with the Huntress.
Using the crossbow will definitely help. The crossbow is basically the utilitarian primary weapon (your "assault rifle" so to speak) and the longbow as the helpful situational side weapon (multi arrows as a shotgun, fire arrows as explosives, sniper arrows as, well, sniping).

Once you get past the poison thing the rest of the level is pretty easy, you basically just have to be ready for it with a fully loaded multi arrow longbow shot, and lure it back into the courtyard. Also potions. Lots of potions.