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Well, the Task Manager shows it as loaded, but it does nothing at all.
I ran in XP compatible mode with "run as Admin" set, but it still does zip.

Anything special I need to do here to get it going? BTW, this is the first
GOG title I bought that refuses to run, so I have no idea what the problem
could be, and judging from the fact that there are no posts about it, I must
be the only one that has it, so far. :)


EDIT: It's running. I checked the GOG tips, and I needed to turn off UAC.
I don't know of the game has mouse support as my mouse doesn't
work in the game. Something else might need adjusting.
Post edited April 26, 2011 by G_Starkiller
Not sure how to help you out. I'm on Win7/64 as well but everything works perfectly, including the mouse.