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Running, attacking. Every animation moves in almost slow motion. Is this slow motion animation normal?

And suddenly it fixed im not sure how.
On occasion is slows down, then goes back to normal.

it's NOT game breaking. just puzzling and a bit irksome.
Post edited December 15, 2011 by Phoenixbowman
I'm pretty sure it's a dual core problem.... assuming you have a dual core processor. I had the same issue when I started up. It got better, but it still slowed down a lot in graphic heavy levels.
PenutBrittle: I'm pretty sure it's a dual core problem.... assuming you have a dual core processor. I had the same issue when I started up. It got better, but it still slowed down a lot in graphic heavy levels.
Yeah, its during the siege. So far I am enjoying it very much.

I like how gold and potions are limited. that's a nice change of pace from being socked with gold and potions like in other games.

Also, the combat feels satisfying. as if you are actually fighting the enemies.

So far it's a wonderful game!
The graphics are nicely done and crisp looking.

Also, hunting for gold. Each level has a certain amount of gold you can find. You can search for it or not. Most is laying around and not on enemies.

it's a nice touch.
Post edited December 15, 2011 by Phoenixbowman
Yeah, I really liked the limited gold. It keeps you on the lookout, and if you find a level too hard you can always go back and try to beat your old scores for better equipment. Makes choosing what you want to take fun too.

The worst levels for slowdown for me were the siege and the second last level, which has a lot of lava. Most of the time it's ok.
Does the spiked shield help any or does it just look cool?

Compared to the Targe and Buckler.
Phoenixbowman: Does the spiked shield help any or does it just look cool?

Compared to the Targe and Buckler.
it damages melee attackers when you block their attacks as I recall.
Phoenixbowman: Does the spiked shield help any or does it just look cool?

Compared to the Targe and Buckler.
PenutBrittle: it damages melee attackers when you block their attacks as I recall.
Ah, okay. Thank you.