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Hi everyone,
As the title says, the first 2 levels run fine (escaping the dungeon and protecting the outpost) but when I have to escort the guy at celadia village all graphics go nuts. Please check the image attached.
I'm more than certain that it must be the old graphics card in the laptop I'm playing the game on, but if anyone knows of this issue or a way to fix it I'd really appreciate it.
Post edited September 12, 2010 by afecelis
The obvious suggestions first; try with newer (or different at least) graphics drivers, compatibility modes, etc.

What version of Windows are you running?
Lemming77: The obvious suggestions first; try with newer (or different at least) graphics drivers, compatibility modes, etc.
What version of Windows are you running?
I'm running windows xp 32 bits. Thanks for replying :)
It's definitely my laptop's graphics, it seems like the radeon mobility 7500 is a DirectX7 card, and many of these games, even when being good old games, use newer versions of DX.
It's a good old laptop, but I think it's time to get a better one, lol.
Post edited September 26, 2010 by afecelis
The game runs on a Direct3D 8 renderer by default. If your graphics card doesn't support that, I'm surprised it would run in the first place.

There is one thing you can try however, it's possible to make the game run in OpenGL instead. In the Enclave root directory, open environment.cfg in your favourite text editor, and at the beginning where it says "VID_RENDER=Direct3D8", change that to "VID_RENDER=OpenGL". See if that works. If it does, great, you can play your game. If not, then your only option is to buy a new laptop, like you said. :p
Thanks for the tip Lemming, very interesting.
I tried it out and opengl was even slower and then crashed :(
Definitely time to get a new laptop. I'll install it at my office desktop and play it there, lol, meanwhile I'm getting baldur's gate for this one to see whatt all the hype is about. :D

Thanks for all the help