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Decided to give Enclave another try and the same thing is happening again which made me quit last time. I can't seem to ever buy any arrows. They never show up to buy - it always says No Ammo. I keep reading walkthroughs saying use the Huntress with Sniper arrows but I've never been able to get them. The only arrows I can get are ones I pick up during the mission. I've played up to the VII mission this time and picked the Huntress again and still no arrows are showing up to buy. I can upgrade all the bows and daggers but still can't buy any arrows. is the glitch in my game or what?? Or do you have to play through one Light campaign before you can buy arrows? This is very frustrating because I can't figure this out!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
It's seems to me you just don't know how to navigate properly through the menus (And, to be honest, it's a bit tricky, I started my second mission without bolts too).
Here, have some screenshots:

1-> Here we have our beloved knight without bolts for his dwarven crossbow.

All you have to do is press "enter" over the "no ammo" legend.

2-> And, ta-da! A menu which allows you to choose the amount of bolts you want to carry to the mission.

3-> I like to travel well equiped, so, as it seems the gold in this game has a "equipment" function, I take with me all the bolts I can.

So, yeah, you only had to press "enter" :P
Post edited February 26, 2012 by Neurus_Ex
Thanks! Unbelievably I figured it out myself when I opened up game again but I appreciate your response. It was just a fluke that I pressed the Enter button by mistake! Who would have thought an arrow pointing down would mean Enter?? Stupid controls!!
Neurus_Ex: It's seems to me you just don't know how to navigate properly through the menus (And, to be honest, it's a bit tricky, I started my second mission without bolts too).
Here, have some screenshots:

1-> Here we have our beloved knight without bolts for his dwarven crossbow.

All you have to do is press "enter" over the "no ammo" legend.

2-> And, ta-da! A menu which allows you to choose the amount of bolts you want to carry to the mission.

3-> I like to travel well equiped, so, as it seems the gold in this game has a "equipment" function, I take with me all the bolts I can.

So, yeah, you only had to press "enter" :P
your not alone i ran a few missions untill i figured this out.