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This game reeks of amateur development, I played for about an hour and immediately uninstalled. I discovered why I usually stick with established developers.
scampywiak: This game reeks of amateur development, I played for about an hour and immediately uninstalled. I discovered why I usually stick with established developers.

They may not have been established at this point, but in recent years they've released some great games.
scampywiak: This game reeks of amateur development, I played for about an hour and immediately uninstalled. I discovered why I usually stick with established developers.
Could you please reason why someone should not buy it? Just a little more clarification would go a long way.
Post edited September 25, 2010 by celeborn10
I'm curious to know too. The game's got good reviews, and seemed alright from what I recall playing it on Xbox years ago.

Besides, I'd say several games are amateurishly developed, Minecraft especially. But if the game's good, that won't matter.
I've added a review for it. I think it's simply amazing if you're not going into it expecting an open-ended Two Worlds or Gothic-style game.

It's a third-person hack n slash broken into cleverly designed levels and has the challenge and on-the-edge of your seat factor of old ID software FPS titles.
I was quite impressed with the graphics and animation, its the level design that I didn't all. Since I can redownload, I'll probably give it another try in the future.
Post edited September 26, 2010 by scampywiak