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Nostalgia sometimes makes people judge games a lot more softly, I do it myself, but If you really want to know the good and the flaws of this game keep reading.
Enclave it's a third person action adventure game, it has a lot of slashing, a good bit of range weapons shooting and even magical and steampunk bits.
The thing that impress is the huge variety in playable characters, almost each one with unique powers and weapons. You can also play the storyline from the viewpoint of the two different factions in the game. The game sports very good textures and inspired designs for both characters and environment, it still looks quite good despite it's age. That said, the environment themselves are very little interactable, all the crates and barrels around the maps are static immovable objects, and even if some window will break if hitted not every window will do the same, ruining a bit player's immersion.
Some of the level design are very good looking, There's a level for the assassin that has a skeleton bridge over a lava lake that's still quite impressive to see, sadly the game has luisy collision detection, both for the level itself and during fights.
The gameplay is 99% ranged and melee fighting, with little exploration and a bit of backtracking, the problem here is that fighting is not as fun as in older titles like Severance or Die By The Sword. Very often you'll see your sword or your arrows go through enemies without hitting them, while sometimes they will be able to get through your shield, it's a bit annoying expecially in later levels of the game, where you have a lot of enemies to deal with.
Another flaw that makes clear the game born on consoles is the horrible savegame feature, it uses checkpoints but those are often very distant one from the other so harm yourself with patience as you'll need to replay some level sections quite a bit, expecially if you choose hard mode.
AI isn't really smart too, you'll often see enemies killing themselves in some stupid way.
That said, the game is still worth the price only to see those lovely levels, the storyline itself is a bit bland but the fact that you can play with a lot of characters makes it interesting, especially if you love this kind of games
I agree with all the faults you mention but for the price it is being sold at I think it is well worth a look. From what I can remember this game got unfairly slated when it first came out. I played it on the PC originally and was amazed by the graphics back then. As you said, in some parts the graphics are still great.

The AI is funny at times lol Especially when a enemy spawns and then falls to there death! I always get a great laugh out of that. The collision is bad no doubt but it is bearable until you get the Druid or Wizard. I have never had a problem with collision for either. Any arrow or sword user in the game is at a disadvantage imo. What do you play as mostly?
I Find the shield useless and have since relied on my Movement to defend against attacks. 70 to 80% of attacks I take in seem to ignore my sheld

I'm not far into this game but so far i didnt like the archer much (mission 3) takes to long to ready a decent shot and with the collision detection a "bit" off it made her pointless