pereh: ..module 'Mp3dec.asi'..
You may have heard about regular crashes in the Pharaoh game, which were caused by an outdated version of mss.dll, which is responsible for processing sounds.
CRC32:0CF075E4 mss32.dll (Version:5.0r)
Unfortunately, the fact that the replacement of mss.dll must be done in pairs with ... Mp3dec.asi is less known.
Recommended for replacement is a pair from Zeus+Poseidon v2.1
CRC32:9BD81E9D mss32.dll (Version:6.0m)
CRC32:FA4BC870 Mp3dec.asi
While the Emperor is using
CRC32:571C3D8C mss32.dll (Version 6.0i)
CRC32:C7DCA687 Mp3dec.asi
Recall that the v1.1 Pharaoh patch added sound support to Windows 2000 (NT 5.0) to keep the game from crashing.
Recall that the "Slow Gods Animation" bug before the unofficial patch had the advice - Run Zeus in Windows 2000 (NT 5.0) Compatibility mode so that the sound in the Game does not work, due to the lack of Direct Sound (DirectX 6.1) support by this system.
Notice that obsessive "Version 6.x" pattern?
I believe "Miles Sound System Version 6.x" is compatible with "DirectX 6.x"
Which would explain why Pharaoh has a crash problem and Zeus and Emperor don't.
And all the same, in Emperor there is an earlier version of "6.0i" (and in Zeus 1.x-2.0 too, only v2.1 has "6.0m")
pereh: ..Someone proposed to change file 'dsound.ini', but there is no such file..
dsound.dll is a DirectX 6.1 file located in C:/Windows
It does not need to be changed, because according to the dll-hijacking vulnerability (99% of programs before 2012), they first of all look for and load .dll from their native folder, and only then from the system folder.
The IndirectSound project is just rewriting dsound.dll
Looping audio problem
When you have more than 2 speakers (2.1 or 5.1 or 7.1 sound)
Also, modern sound cards can work in surround sound emulation mode.
Older games don't know what surround sound is.
Download "Version 0.12", unpack and move to the folder with the Game.
(or "Version 0.14" where EAX=off by default)
This dsound.dll replaces the native one from DirectX, like a wrapper, reconciles the old with the new.
Some sound quotes
After doing a little research, I found that after XP, Microsoft Vista/7/8 dropped full support for DirectMusic and only supported emulation. This may be why people have problems with these operating systems.
Don't know if it will help but, if not already done, under "Windows Features On and Off/Legacy Components/Direct Play" check it to on.
Zeus, Sound stuttering
Disabled 3D sound in the sound menu in the game
About dsound.dll v12 help fix pharaoh freezes
This confirms the hypothesis that mss.dll+Mp3dec.asi is only a consequence.
The true cause is in the emulation of the sound subsystem.
steamcommunity . com/app/517790/discussions/0/350540780276397147/#c3247562523084859641
@user, 18 Feb 2019
pharaoh + cleopatra or gold or whatever else other name this one has , same bug is present on the GOG version of the game aswell....a wierd bug wich is gamebreaking : one mission game plays normally then the next one the game locks up for no reason , using the that .dll fixes the issue .
First change the pair mss32.dll+Mp3dec.asi from Zeus+Poseidon v2.1
But most likely this will not help and you will need to add dsound.dll in the game folder.