Irseae: So... kinda.
Micromanaging isn't really that bad. It is an older game. You do approve/select each unit production, that sort of thing. You can't cue up orders or set rally points, but to be honest it's really not that big of deal. It is a wargame, sort of, but wargame lite. There isn't enough to swamp you; you aren't managing complex logistics and supply.
There is an option to turn on a universal warehouse, where all resources are shared. If you decide not to use that, then you do have to manually move everything around.
The AI is not so great. It wasn't great, apparently, at release and that was 25 yrs ago. There are some things you can do to make it more challenging, mods will make the rebel faction more active, things like that. As it stands, it's not going to cleverly surprise you with a strategic deep strike to knock our your labs.
Supposedly they are working on an AI overhaul and other additions, which will be welcome. I wouldn't be surprised it that depends on how well it sells, though.
All that said, it's fun and has a unique feel to it. For 5 bucks I've more than got my money out of it.
Thanks for the details, that was helpful. I'll just wait and see if the dev make more patches. They should because the game looks awesome.