Posted October 20, 2017
this game was working fine yesterday afternoon, with the 1.0 verison, now that the "improvements" have been inplace with the "patch" the sound is totally out of whack, background chatter overbearing the subject I am talking to, bassline in music overwhealming my sub(and it is not the sub!!!) because yesterday sound balance was just fine! also when talking to people I find when I buy something even if I can afford it, inventory closes abruptly and am given the phrase "that stuff is dagnerous" and it is not placed in my inventory even though it is offeredadn I bought it! I bought it from you mack! this includes common itmess, not just contraband! beer, bread, and soforth. another final bug, if you don't start a new game after a "fix" is installed, people's hands disappear behind their arms when they speak to yoiu.