PIXZEL: I've been binging Mass Effect recently for the umpteenth time and looking for something new. I've had my sights on this game since before its release and was wondering how close it is to the Mass Effect games (particularly the first one). I have not played any of this developer's previous titles but have heard this one is very much in the same vein.
If it is not like Mass Effect, what would you best describe it as to someone who has not played any Gothic or Risen? Thanks.
It's not very similar to Mass Effect. The ranged combat isn't as streamlined as even the first of that series, and it can have a pretty heavy melee focus. The story is also less cinematic, and lacks memorable villains. I'd say the world building is pretty close to that level, if maybe a little more unfocused.
The open world of Elex is a lot of fun, and flows together nicely. The cities all have their own culture and history to explore, so if you like that sort of thing, it's there. I'd say it's more similar to the Elder Scrolls games, but with an extra layer of jank. Just not as polished.
And it's more a mixture of science fiction and fantasy, probably more similar to a Fallout world than Mass Effect.
I love Mass Effect and I love Elex, but in terms of gameplay, there isn't a lot of overlap.