Posted August 28, 2015

I can push it back to 100 cells and it's still relatively playable. I didn't go up to the mountain, but I'm certain you can see from one side of the island to the other.
The only other game that has let me push the draw distance that far back to see the entire world was Ultima 9.
Anyway, it's great! Try it!
To me, a high view distance and dynamic shadows seem far more important than being able to play such an old game on multiple monitors. :)
You should take a look at the unlimited view-distance option. It looks surprisingly great because the colours of the objects far in the distance get continuously more blue-ish, which looks really good.
Edit: Wait. :) I've taken another look at your screenshot and I think you've even enabled the setting that I mean. I think, if you've got that setting enabled that continuously adds a blue-ish tint in the distance you are always going to get an unlimited view distance.
If you enable more cells the blue tint should just begin further in the distance than with a lower number of cells. :)
Post edited August 28, 2015 by 0Grapher