Posted January 29, 2018
I'm nearing the end of the Thieves Guild quest line. I'm level 12, I've got maxed out agility, nowhere near maxed out anything else. 45 security, 80 sneak, 72 acrobatics, 43 light armor, 48 short blade, mediocre all other skills. I've got an iron shortblade and some chitin armor, and a few low grade magic items that can cast Silence 10s on Target, Frost Damage 5-11, and Telekenisis 25ft 5s. Spell
I've done all of the quests for the Thieves Guild in Balmora, Ald'ruh, Sadrith Mora, and all of the Bal Molagmer quests. All that's left is the final quests for Gentleman Jim Stacy, and I am stuck on The Brothers Ienith. They wipe the floor with me. Stealth doesn't seem like a great option. I might be able to get a backstab on one, but the other would spawn right away and just zap me dead. I spent my last Septim on training and I'm at level 12, but I doubt it's enough.
I guess I need more training and a real sword, but that takes money, and I haven't gotten any real big hauls as a thief. Even when I robbed the Ald'ruhn mages guild, that only got me a little over 2,000 or so.
I've done all of the quests for the Thieves Guild in Balmora, Ald'ruh, Sadrith Mora, and all of the Bal Molagmer quests. All that's left is the final quests for Gentleman Jim Stacy, and I am stuck on The Brothers Ienith. They wipe the floor with me. Stealth doesn't seem like a great option. I might be able to get a backstab on one, but the other would spawn right away and just zap me dead. I spent my last Septim on training and I'm at level 12, but I doubt it's enough.
I guess I need more training and a real sword, but that takes money, and I haven't gotten any real big hauls as a thief. Even when I robbed the Ald'ruhn mages guild, that only got me a little over 2,000 or so.
This question / problem has been solved by Kerebron