I think it's not that Bethesda forgot; it's that they didn't think of implementing it, or that it was worth implementing. (Or at least that's how I perceive this, even though NPCs could open doors in Arena and Daggerfall.)
Also, I believe it's not strictly true; if you raise an NPC's Speed high enough (for example, by using what's commonly known as the Soul Trap glitch), the NPC should be able to go so fast that the game's collision detection fails to detect the NPC's collision with the door, and the NPC ends up on the other side. (This can easily happen to the player, and it's easier to see this, especially since you can also use the Super Potion trick (or simply use the console to cheat) to get your Speed high enough to break collision detection.) Note that, if the door leads to another cell, bypassing the collision will result in the actor going out of bounds (if you've played Daggerfall, you've experienced this, but Morrowind will send you back in bounds if you fall a certain distance).
By the way, in Arena and Daggerfall, while enemies can open doors, I am pretty sure they can't follow you between cells (so you're safe if you go inside (or outside) a house, for example).