I think Daggerfall has aged just fine as a gameplay experience if you can get past the DOS era graphics and resolution. I played it years ago when it first came out, and since grabbing this version on GOG haven't stopped playing. I'm running on DosBox Daum now, with direct3d and pixel filters applied to the screen, and I like how it looks.
While it may be a bit old fashioned, and graphically is very 90's, I'm actually enjoying this more than any of the more modern ones now.
Bug wise, I've only crashed about three times, usually when asking repeatedly for directions from a single NPC until they mark everything on the map for me.
I'm amazed at how varied the world is - travelling through snowing villages, or desert hovels with camels, the places are huge and some dungeons can be really, really huge compared with later games, and I don't have a problem with the dungeon map system - it's awkward at first, but I like it now.
If you check the 3D map, you can even see gaps in walls if a secret door is located in the room you are in, so that helps too when exploring.
At first I thought dungeons were rather repetitive, but then I started travelling further from the start region, and encountering underwater bits, cavern bits, lifts with levers, an Orc Chieftain hiding behind tapestries that I had to click on to push them aside so I could fight him, maps leading to even more dungeons that weren't marked on the world map when the game started, there's always something new to discover.
I was in a big chamber, and it looked like there was nowhere left to go in the dungeon, then I looked up - and saw an opening high up in the wall. So I climbed the wall and found a whole new section of the dungeon. I had to use the Slow Fall spell to get back down again without breaking my neck. You don't have moments like, gotta climb a wall and hope I don't fall, in the later games. Simply being able to scale a city's walls at night has such a coolness factor about it.
And I can ride a horse with a cart, that I can keep putting loot into instead of having to walk back to town, then when I've cleared out the dungeon, I just sell all the contents of the cart back in town. Things like that are just awesome for gameplay. I wish I had a cart in the other Elder Scrolls games!
And there's more to join than just the standard fighter / mage / thief guilds. I joined the Knights of the Dragon and now travel for free if I stay at an inn on the way, and sleep for free in any tavern.
So much content in this game it's astounding!