HunterZ: It doesn't crash *too* much with the last patch.
The UI is actually pretty decent for a game of its era. The inventory management kind of sucks because it displays things as a single-column vertical list of randomly sorted items, which can only be filtered by broad categories (weapons, armor, magic items, ingredients, etc.).
The game's key mapping is good - you can set it up for modern WASD+mouselook controls and it feels pretty intuitive as a result. I remember Bethesda making a big deal out of it at the time, as Quake was about the only game that offered it back then, and only via a console command. Most FPS-style games were still designed around Doom-style keyboard-only controls where you drive around like a tank (forward/back/turn).
Good to hear. I used to run it with WASD keys and it wasn't too bad I thought. I remember having to click way more than I liked though, but I can't remember why...
The big crash I remember was area of effect spells, drove me nuts when I found out my mage I'd been working on forever could only cast touch and direct spells, the game would crash every time I tried area of effect.
Maybe I'll give the GOG version a shot again. I'd love to actually finish the game one day...
I'd like to know though, do the parental controls still work? I'm not such a fan of the nudity in the game. Especially now that I have kids around.
Went ahead and bought Morrowind. As far as I can tell the parental controls have been removed from Daggerfall. Unfortunate.