During the campaign your playing a Halfgood, one of the beings simply called Masters of the Astral, that it struck with amnesia after his "How might it be...to be mortal"-experiment.
One, small, Part of campaign is the "Meta-strategy" that takes place at the Astral.
Here you talk to others Masters, your underling(s)...trying to get as much Infos as possible about your situation, here true diplomacy takes place, here you decide wich shards to attack next and here you administrate the Astral Energy.
(Astral Enegy is the only real Campgainresource, with AE you have to pay for the use of aquired Boni)
The Astral is turnbased to, you can talk as many times you like..but you can attack only one shard/turn.
Either you attack the World of a Master..then you fight only this Master at a random generated Shard (the enemy get several Boni)...if you win...the Master is thrown into the Chaos..and you conquer his World..earning some random Boni.
Aside from the Worlds of the other Masters there're allways some neutral Shards drifting around, you get some Infos for the neutral Shards..like Size, "prizes", Mainterrain, AE/turn,...if you attack...you start a fight for a random(with the Settings you saw at the Astral) Map with a number of enemys depending at the size.
Here Eador is real gem,,a really good mixture of Turnbased-Strategy, Build Up Simu, Rp and turnbased tactic battles.
There're some Events linked to the campgain taking part during the Shardfights but if you play the first campgain and didn't read anything "spoileros" you might miss them without noticing that they aren't one of the "normal" events,
if you win..you get the prizes and some fame...but everything else you did at the shard it completly lost.
At the Astral..you talk to the Masters and your Underling, if necessary..then you attack the next World/Shard, start with nothing again...and so on.
The campgain has two "Problems"
I. Theres only a very, very small conecction beetween the Astral(where the "real" campgain takes place) and the shardfights...but at the shardsfights you will spend your time...hours, even days,...for one Shard...compared to 5-10min talking at the Astral.
II.AE&the Boni you can activate with..could be a intersting part of the Metastrategy ..or add a real one at first ;)
but it takes a reeeaally long time until you have enough income to use it at a regular base...and you need luck to get usefull Boni for you stile of play...my Astral treasury for example is full of traveling staffs&feathered arrows i don't need...
Post edited August 24, 2013 by DF1871