Dolantin: Never happened to me, and I play this thing A LOT:-)
The only time I had crashes, was -occasionally- when I used preveder's solution.
The new power plan even lets me tab in/out, and do other stuff during the game.
I don't think the crashes are related to the power plan, but who knows?
It seems it's a little bit a matter of luck, and yes, the devs should fix it if they want to promote their upcoming game.
oldschool: I should clarify my last comment. Occaionally when I start the program sometimes it crashes. It's fine in-game, sorry about confusion I might have caused anyone.
Edit: I love this game, but it's (to put bluntly) really difficult. I usually do well in strategy games, but this games hands me my ass on a regular basis. I'm excited about the sequel as well ;)
Oh, for the kiddy mode, mentioned in the other thread- that's what I do now- I cheat, making a backup save file on the astral plane. The game cheats too: it's like playing chess and after your 34th move it tells you: oh,by the way your Bishop is limited to 3 squares during this game, a bit weak for my Rook, isn't it?
The game needs a manual and/or a save function.
Edit: If only you could check, what you have already unlocked!