Turn 145
-Abbey build
-Light Guard hired at Tannerside
-Shipyard build at Waterlily Bogs
-Scout attacked killed Mage and conquered Hunters Lot
-Warrior explored
-Turn 146
-Dismissed Watchman at Quiet Grove because the don't reveal anything
-Scout conquered Pale Moon Steppes
-Warrior explored and found a Tower with 2 Minotauers
Turn 147
-Destroyed Pubs at conquered provinces
-Trappers Guild build at capital
-Shipyard build at Ghostlight
-Scout attacked Shokar Valley
-Warrior explored
Turn 148
-Scout attacked Shabby Woods
-Warrior explored and found 3 Spiders, retreat
-Magus conquered Shokar Valley
Turn 149
-Outpost build at Shaby Woods
-Scout attacked Shokar Valley
-Warrior explored, Warrior supressed Rebellion at FS
-Magus besiege Shaby Woods with his Dark knight
Turn 150
-Outpost build at Shokar Valley
-Scout lifts the Siege at Shaby Woods..oO..Veteran Gloves, Paladin Helm :)
- Warrior moved to Demese
-Artists paid at Wonderous Lands
-Magus siege Shokar Valley with his Mage
Turn 151
-Scout moved to Wonderous Land
-Warrior hired Slingers and moved to Snakeroot
Turn 152
-Scout repaired Stuff -112 Gold and lifted Siege at Shokar Valley
-Warrior attacked Crab Shore..Püühhh^^...nearly to hard...:)+328 Spoils&Composite Bow
-Warrior Lev. 10 Athletics II+III, Berserker+Constituion II
-Madman speaking against our Rule at Crayfish, tried to heal him..failed..bad Mod at Crayfish
Turn 153
-Mill build at Crab Shore
-Warrior moved to Demese with Fair Winds
-Scout conquered Sleeping Forest
Turn 154
-Warrior moved to Crayfish
-Scout conquered Great Mud, Quest finished
Turn 155
-Scout conquered Woods of many Arrows(WomA)
-Warrior explored and found a entchanted Pool with Monsters+Sorc, only Crystals&Crad for Reward :(
Turn 156
-Scout conquered Sodoule Forest, Lev 21 Scout III...grr..noticed that it would have been wise to conquere this first and then i loose a Turn moving :(
-Warrior explored and found Brigsands, +350 Gold&Heavy Arrows
-Artists at Moon Steppe -250
-Magus start siege at Shokar Valley with his Mage
Turn 157
-Entchanted Coffer at Moon Steppe +160 Gold :)
-Scout moves toward Shokar Valley
-Warrior explored
-Earthquake, Famines, -370 Gold
Turn 158
-Lightaguard&Extravaganza at Crayfish
-Warrior moves toward Pale Moon Steppe
-Scout lifted siege at Shokar Valley
Turn 159
-Scout hired a Monk and moved to Quiet Grove
-Warrior moves toward Pale Moon Steppe
Turn 160
-Scout attacked Brigands, +470 Gold&Mithrilhelm&Scroll Incarnation
-Warrior moves toward Pale Moon Steppe
-Gold Tree at Heather Range, +4 Income -100 Gold
Not to bad :) a few small faults but no big ones this time ;)
The Quest is finished so we could gather the reward or cleaning the 2 "easy " around Quiet GRove to earn some money.
I didn't build further outposts around enemy demese becaus it seemed cheaper to let the Warrior explore there and deal with enemy Heros. Against the black Night it could be wise to let the Fairy wait at a Outpost because he used Horsearchers as i met him..and it's hard to stay out of their attackradius.
I didn't attacked the Monsterguard because i don't believe we can beat it now..maybe waiting for Cloud if Terror&Panic from Scout like Gremlion suggested.