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1. File -> Load -> .dat -> OK.
2. Choose object.
3. Object -> Export -> where -> OK.
1. File -> Load -> .dat -> OK.
(2.) This step only for adding new data. Skip for replacing. Object -> New -> Bitmap for images / Other - OGG sound files.
3. choose object
4. Object -> Grab -> select -> OK.
5. File -> Save -> if in this file, then OK.

1 Shop (0 - usual, 1 - limited amount of preset items, 2 - limited amount of random items of Param2 level)
2 Library
3 Changes growth rate in demesne by Param 1, in all provinces by Param2.
4 Garrison Param1 - tier, Param2 - amount.
5 Income Param1 gold, Param2 crystals
6 Access to mercenaries of level Param 1
7 Cheaper resurrection and ritual cost by Param1 %
8 Access to unit Param1. If Param2>0 - place unit in the end of list in garrison.
9 Increases income from resource Param1 by Param2
10 Increases hero mobility in demesne by Param1
11 Grants access to outer building Param1. If Param2>0 - gives Param2 schematics
12 Changes mood by Param1 in demesne, by Param2 in all provinces.
13 Decreases hire cost by Param1 %
14 Increases income from land type Param1 by Param2. (Param1=0 - any, 8 - coastal)
15 Grants access to province guard Param1. If Param2>0 - gives Param2 contracts
16 Decreases inner building cost by Param1 %
17 Decreases resource cost by Param1 %.
18 Decreases wages to units by Param1 %.
19 Changes province guard's morale by Param1
20 Increases recruit exp by Param 1
21 Increases recuperation of troops by Param1 % per turn
22 Increases total income by Param1 %.
23 Decreases unrest rate in demesne by Param1, in all provinces by Param2
24 Lets you sell units to mercenary guild and decreases mercenary change time
25 Increases exploration by Param1 %.
26 Shows hidden resources on land type Param1.
27 grants access to ritual Param1
28 Decreases wages to garrisoned units by Param1 %.
29 Changes opponent's income by Param1.
30 Increases strength of garrison towers by Param1 and durability by Param2.
31 Lets you use eggs-like items of Param1 type. Param2 must be >0.
32 Grants interest Param1 %
33 Decreases gold losses from robbers by Param1*10 %
34 Lets you transmute gold into crystals and vice versa
35 Improves wall durability by Param1.
36 Adds Param1 towers.
37 Increases mobility of your heroes by Param1.
38 Increases good event chance and decreases bad event chance by Param1%.
39 Lets you hire Param1 additional guards per turn
40 Lets you build Param1 additional outer buildings per turn
41 Changes income from trophies and pillaging by Param1.
42 Increases siege stat of your heroes by Param1.
43 Improves diplomatic relations with other masters by Param1.
44 Shipyard Param1.
45 Changes possibility of event Param1 by Param2%
46 Changes karma by Param1
47 Need alliance with race Param1
48 will activate event Param1 after Param2 turns
49 changes income from provinces with title race Param1 by Param2.
50 Adds site in demesne Param1 with Param2 level
51 changes corruption by Param1 %
52 Magic tower of Param1 type, shooting power Param2
53 Decreases ritual cooldown by Param1
54 Lets you cast additional Param1 rituals per turn

1 Changes income by Param 1 gold and Param2 crystals, %
2 Changes mood by Param 1
3 Decreases unrest rate
4 Decreases wage to garrisoned units by %
5 Information about surrounding (watchmen)
6 Increases recuperation of warriors in province by %
7 Increases income from resource Param1 by Param2 gold
8 Increases repair speed of forts by Param1%
9 Changes growth rate
10 Exist contract (Param1 = ShopLevel, Param2=Rarity)
11 Can't be scared (Param 1 must be> 0)
12 Can't be bribed (Param 1 must be> 0)

1. Changes population mood by Param1. Param2 - increases in owned province and decreases in not owned
2. Changes growth rate by Param1.
3. Calls event Param1 in province.
5. Calls encounter encounter Param1 for hero.
6. Changes gold income by Param1 and crystals by Param2.
8. Heroes will skip turn and will get encounter snowstorm
12. Province will be blocked against opponent attacks and rituals
18. Can't cast in demesne
19. Can't cast in besieged province
20. Ritual's target - hero
22. Can't cast in province without available building slots
23. Can't cast in province with outer building Param1
24. Province must have population>0
25. Can't be casted in province with undismissable defender

DialogParam means that there are %s and/or %d in dialogue and game will need to replace them.
%s - province name, %d - number from first effect
1 Get Power+Random(Param1) gold.
If Param2=
___1, multiply by province level
___2, change total gold by Power+Random(Param1)%
2 Changes mood by Power
3 Changes population by Power+Random(Param1)%
4 Answer №Power will be available if Param1=
___1. Gold >= Param2
___2. Crystals >= Param2
___3. There are defender or hero in province[
5 Changes income by Power+Random(Param1)
6 Get Power+Random(Param1) crystals
If Param2=
___1, multiply by population level
___2 - change total crystals by Power+Random(Param1)%
7 Karma + Power+Random(Param1)
8 Prerequisites of happening in province
___1 - population level >=Param1
___2 - explored=Param1
___3 - player's gold >=Param1
___4 - there is place for hidden site
___5 - mood <=Param1
___6 - mood >=Param1
___7 - population level <=Param1
___8 - there are at least Param1 free slots in treasure
___9 - player karma <=Param1
___10 - player karma >=Param1
___11 - only not in demesne
___12 - coastal only
___13 - only in province with title race Param1
___14 - There is hero in province (or defender, if Param1>0)
___15 - only in demesne
___16 - If province don't have resource
___17 - if province have place for site Param1 -1 open / Param1 1 hidden
___18 - if province don't have defender (Param1=0), If param1<>0, if province have defender Param1
___19 - if province have outer building Param1
___20 - if province have free building slot (demesne protected against this)
___21 - if province don't have outer building Param1
___22 - if corruption >= Param1 %
___23 - if player's crystals >=Param1
___24 - if player have access to resource Param1
___25 - if player don't have access to resource Param1
___26 - !campaign only! If Param1 in campaign=true, current turn >= Param2 (possibility=0 - always in demesne)
___27 - if province don't have hero
___28 - if province don't' have site Param1
___29 - if you have item Param1 in treasury
9 Generates new site Power. Param1>0 - hidden, Param1<0 - open. Param2=-1 no guards, 0-default, 1-protect.
10 changes total unrest by Power+Random(Param1)
11 calls event Power (If Param1>0 calls event Param1 if Random(100)>Param2 (Param1<0 - don't call))
12 Get Param1 schematics of outer building Power
13 Get Param1 scrolls of spell with index Power
14 Get random item with level Power, rarity >= Param1
15 Set attacker strength to Power.
16 Get Param1 items Power with Param2% durability
17 Set flag for event Power to Param1 + Random(Param2). (-1 enabled, 0 - disabled, Х>0 will happen in Х turn and will be disabled)
18 Set flag for event Power to Param1=
___0 random province(default),
___1 current province,
___2 demesne
19 Set defender Power, if Power=0 - dismiss guard
20 Destroy outer building Power
21 Build outer building Power
22 Change corruption by Power+Random(Param1)
23 change crystal income by Power+Random(Param1)
24 Destroy site Power in province
25 Destroy Power outer buildings in province
26 Change attitude to player in all provinces with title race Power by Param1.
27 Change cost for resource Power by Param1+Random(Param2)
28 will happen for each player, doesn't work currently.
29 Change health of hero and defenders in province by Power, if negative - will be decreased by resistance. Param1=0 - absolute, 1 - %, Param2=1 - only alive units
30 Change morale of hero and defenders by Power+Random(Power1). Param2>0 + to good units, - to evil, If Param2<0 -to good, + to evil, doesn't work on neutrals
31 Initiate rebellion
32 Repair/damage fortification by Power+Random(Param1)
33 set campaign flag Power to Param1
34 Add to player in campaign Power+Random(Param1) astral energy
35 grants access to building in campaign
36 add in garrison Param1(amount) units Power(type) with exp level from 0 to Param2
37 go to campaign event Power
38 gold loss can be decreased by special buildings
39 set province to neutral
40 get random item Power of level Param1, rarity >= Param2.
(1, 2, 9 melee weapons and shields, 3 bows, crossbows and arrows, 4 wands and spheres 5 Flags 6 light armor and belts 7 medium armor 8 heavy armor 10 spell scrolls 11 defender 12 schematic 13 ritual -1 cloth -2 jewellery )
41 Remove item Power from treasury
42 Get Param1 contracts with defender Power
Post edited September 09, 2013 by Gremlion

dialogue parameters:
1 - Hero name
2 - taken from first effect
3 - Province name of questgiver for current quest (or alliance quest for current province, if quest doesn't chosen)
4 - Name of needed spell scroll (only Param1!!!)
5 - name and amount of monsters for active quest of type 8. (only Param1!!!)
1 get Power+Random(Param1) gold.
If Param2=
___1 - increased by hardness of encounter
___2 - take amount from parameter 1
___3 - take amount from parameter 2
___4 - add Power % from diplomacy
___5 - multiply values of power and param1
___6 - subtract from parameter 1
___7 - subtract from parameter 2
2 Calculate parameter 1 for next encounter
3 Set hardness of encounter
___1. Province level
___2. Site level
___3. Quest level (7)
___4. Equal to Param1
If Param1>0 - don't add power to attacker each 50 turns
4 Answer №Power would be available if Param1
___1. player's gold >= Param2
___2. player's crystals >= Param2
___3. player's gold >= parameter 1 (from index2)
___4. player's crystals >= parameter 1 (from index2)
___5. player's gold >= parameter 2 (from index5)
___6. player's crystals >= parameter 2 (from index5)
___7. Hero's diplomacy >= Param2
___8. You have building Param2 in castle
___9. Hero can take unit with tier Param2
5 Calculate parameter 2 for next encounter
6 Get Power+Random(Param1) crystals. If Param2=1, amount multiplied by province level
7 Karma + Power+Random(Param1)
8 go to EVENT with № Power
9 Creates new site Power. Param1>0 - hidden.
10 Set negotiation flag to Power
11 call encounter Power (if Param1>0 - encounter Param1 if Random(100)>Param2)
12 get Param1 schematics of outer building Power
13 get Param1 spell scrolls Power
14 get random item with level Power, rarity >= Param1
15 If condition NOT met, go to encounter Param2
___1 - hero's army strength> NPC strength
___2 - hero's diplomacy level>=Param1
___3 - player's karma>=Param1
___4 - player's karma<=Param1
___5 - Random(100)<Param1
___6 - If province attitude>=Param1
___7 - quest state check:
______quest from that race haven't picked
_________0 - by current hero
_________1 - by any hero
_________2 - in other province of that race
______Is current quest
_________4 - completed by this hero
______Is current site quest haven't picked by
_________5 - this hero
_________6 - any hero
___8 - if you haven't allied (Param1=0 this race, 1 - other race)
___9 - If quest hardness(8) from current site !=Param1 (untested)
___10 - Random(100-diplomacy*10)<Param1
___11 - There is no outer building № Param1
___12 - There is free slot for building in province
___13 - campaign trigger Param1!=0
16 Wound hero for Power+Random(Param1)% hp (can't kill).
17 go to quest with Power
___0 - current
___1 - racial
___2 - site
If Param1
___0 - taking
___1 - waiting
___2 - completed
18 set current quest to Power=0 - taking, 1 - in progress, 2 - refusal
19 ally current province nation
20 change mood of current province by Power
21 Get item Power
22 Get Param1 contracts with defender Power
23 Heal hero and his troops
24 Enter to site's shop
25 Give exp to hero Power + Random(Param1), if Param2>0, to all his units
26 Change morale Power+Random(Power1). if Param2>0 -to evil, + to good, <0 vice versa, doesn't work on neutrals.
27 Set attacker power to Power (1-4)
28 Destroy current site.If Power>0 - replace with site Power
29 Add unit Power in hiring list. If Param1>0 - call hiring interface.
30 Set in DialogParam=3 current province name (Power must be 1)
31 Add to hero's army unit Power of level Param1+Random(Param2).
32 Build outer building Power in current province
33 Change health of hero and his troops by Power, Decreased by resistance. Param1=0 - absolute value, 1 - %, Param2=1 - only on alive units.
34 Increase hero mobility by Param1
35 move hero to demesne or to nearest province if demesne is besieged


Attention - there is no image for spider lair, so if you want to add new image for new site, add image for spider lair beforehand.

1 Resource Param 1
2 gold income Param 1 crystal income Param 2
3 treasure
4 generate event Param1 with possibility Param2
5 always generated in provinces with type Param1
6 changes gold income by Param1%
7 changes growth rate by Param1
8 guards level always Param1
9 give to finder Param1+Level*Param2 exp
10 give to finder Param1+Level*Param2 gold
11 give to finder Param1+Level*Param2 crystals
12 give to finder standard treasure
13 shop with items Param1, with level up to Param2
14 (shops only) Param1 - amount of items, Param2 - price multiplier
15 can have quest Param1 with possibility Param2
16 Arena
17 Call encounter Param1 after clearing
18 Repeating quest
19 Changes mood by Param1
20 Changes corruption in province by Param1
21 gives dialogue Param1 instead of standard. Site is destroyed upon exit. This ability must be first


1 can't destroy
2 +mobility to hero
3 +mood Param1, if you have building Param2 in demesne
4 garrison Param1 - tier, Param2 - amount
5 Decreases unrest rate by Param1.
6 Increases income by Param1, if you have building Param2 in demesne
7 Changes possibility of event Param1 by Param2%
8 There is schematic in drop (Param1 = ShopLevel, Param2=Rarity)
9 Changes corruption in province by Param1%
10 changes morale of defenders in province by Param1
11 watch tower
Post edited September 09, 2013 by Gremlion
Most of stats selfexplanatory.

How to read these:
Lvl 01 upgrades: (1, 4; 30, 4; 33, 3; 7, 1)
Lvl 02 upgrades: (1, 4; 16, 3; 7, 2)

On first level unit can get upgrades 1, 30, 33 and 7 from unit_upg.var.
1 - health +1
30 - stamina +1
33 - morale +1
7 - counterattack +1.

second number - weight. It is slightly modified by the game for not picked items and unique upgrades like meditation.
Means that on first level up unit can get health with 4/(4+4+3+1) chance or counterattack with 1/(4+4+3+1) chance
If you have picked counterattack, on second level you will have health with 8/(4+4+3+4+3+2) chance.

Lvl 01 loot: (1, 5; 63, 3; 5, 3)
Lvl 02 loot: (67, 3; 80, 3)
Lvl 03 loot: (2, 3)

These string for trophies, first - item from item.var, second - weight.


/XX NameName
Quantity: 9/4 - 9 units always and up to +4 random
Initiative: 1/7 - initial and up to 7 random
Unit1: 1, 10, 2, 3 unit from unit.var, militiaman, average level 10, minimum 2 , weight for random unit
Unit2: 2, 10, 2, 2 unit from unit.var, slinger, average level 10, minimum 2 , weight for random unit
Unit3: 3, 10, 2, 1
Unit4: 4, 10, 1, 1
Unit5: 6, 8, 1, 1
Unit6: 5, 7, 1, 1; Summary 2+2+2+1+1+1 = 9, it must be equal to quantity.
LootPoss: 12 chance for loot after defeating this defender in site
MaxLoot: 1 amount of items
Power: 5 chance for trophies(100 means 100%)
Item1: 94, 1 Rudiments of old loot system. Doesn't work.
Item2: 65, 1 Rudiments of old loot system. Doesn't work.
Item3: 7, 1; Rudiments of old loot system. Doesn't work.

Lvl1: 13, 10; 11, 10; 3, 10; 4, 10; 5, 10; 6, 10; 7, 10; 12, 10; 9, 10; 10, 10; 8, 10;
level - level of tavern. Mercenaries - first number - unit from unit.var, second number - weight.
Post edited April 04, 2013 by Gremlion
Excellent. Thanks for the info.
Small mode:
Dragon's egg.
1. Open item.var. Change Quantity to 407
2. add in the end

Name: Dragon's Egg;
Slot: 0
Class: 0
Durability: 1
GoldCost: 1000
GemCost: 100
ShopLevel: 6
Rarity: 5
Building: 0
Pic: 78
Resourse: (0)

Summon: 84
Power: 60
Area: 0;

3. save, close.
4. Open inner_build.var
Name: Monstrologists Guild;

Ability: 31
Param1: 396
Param2: 1

Ability: 31
Param1: 407
Param2: 1

5. save, close
6. open inner_build.txt in "Text" folder, correct description for #155, because now you can hire dragons.
7. Open unit.var, find #60, Dragon.
Lvl 01 loot: (149, 3; 200, 3)
Lvl 01 loot: (149, 3; 200, 3; 407,5)
Post edited July 11, 2013 by Gremlion
Any ideas where to find medal rewarding conditions? I've wanted to change them for a long time...
Sadly, they are in exe file :\.
Gremlion: Sadly, they are in exe file :\.
Why the feck are they there.... any tips how they could be changed? I've already looked through the exe file, but it seems notepad++ won't help me this time.
Game is written on C or C++.
It is possible to disassemble and, probably, assemble own build, but I can't help there.
Ask him for details, he knows more about coding than me.
Post edited July 13, 2013 by Gremlion
Understood. Sent him a message, hopefully he'll respond. The way the medals done is atrocious in any case - especially as getting a higher "ranked" medal blocks people from obtaining lower ranked medals... it's impossible to obtain two medals at once too.

Hopefully, my poor programming skills and determination will be enough to fix that.
Post edited July 16, 2013 by reminder