Posted August 22, 2013
Ok so I've been playing Eador Genesis for over 4 hours and I have played many grand strategy games. I was doing very well and I got my hero to level 23 then all the sudden the other nation(AI) decides to go to war with me. No big deal. I had everything in order. jump into battle to defend my capitol thinking this will be a good fight. Well no it was not. 2 arrows later and my hero is dead and my capitol its taken. 2 arrows from this ranger guy and I end up dead, game over. 2 arrows really? From across them battle field? 2 rounds of combat and my hero is toast? ok so all that for nothing and its not like I have a save point to jump back to. going back a round doesn't help. Am I missing something? And is it just me or are vampires in this game totally overpowered?