Posted March 18, 2016

Old 'n' Tasty
Registered: Mar 2016
From Germany

you've just read this
Registered: Jun 2011
From Germany
Posted March 20, 2016

Acta Non Verba
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States

you've just read this
Registered: Jun 2011
From Germany

Registered: Apr 2013
From Germany
Posted April 22, 2016

Or is there a check of the IP range? Otherwise, just change the settings in your account...
I am also German, but I do not live there currently, and thus I am not under restrictions. Otherwise I would be quite angry I think...
Whatever, letting the government decide about which games adults are allowed to play is ridiculous, you should not accept this if you want to play the game.
And that's why it's driving us nuts that international online stores without any physical sales rooms or HQ in Germany and thus not bound by these rules still censor and completely outright deny selling these games to us. It's ridiculous. For an equivalent solution, just don't show the game to German users on the front page, but let us look for it through the search box. Equivalent to asking the clerk. And nobody bothered checking for 18+ with any other games on here yet, so I don't see why that would be a problem now, all of the sudden.
Post edited April 22, 2016 by BlackSun

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From France
Posted April 23, 2016

And that's why it's driving us nuts that international online stores without any physical sales rooms or HQ in Germany and thus not bound by these rules still censor and completely outright deny selling these games to us. It's ridiculous. For an equivalent solution, just don't show the game to German users on the front page, but let us look for it through the search box. Equivalent to asking the clerk. And nobody bothered checking for 18+ with any other games on here yet, so I don't see why that would be a problem now, all of the sudden.

Registered: Apr 2013
From Germany
Posted April 26, 2016

But, that's not the issue here. There's nothing legal preventing them from doing anything, it's the developers of the game as far as I know. They don't want GoG, or Steam, for that matter, to offer it to germany. And yet, GoG insists it's about german laws rather than the Developers. Which is absolute nonsense, because if it really was, see above.
Post edited April 26, 2016 by BlackSun