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i'm on v1.00 the same as the GOG version.

I commandeered a ship and lost my old ship mods, although that one many are aware of.

My problem is that the new ship that I ditched my old ship for had 4 ship slots, which only one was usable. I could not swap ship mods into the other empty slots and I checked to see if repairing ship slots were an option, it wasn't. Any ideas on what to do or what is wrong?
The GOG version was recently updated to v1.02.

I haven't yet commandeered a ship, but don't the ship upgrades that won't fit into slots just go into the ship upgrade inventory (listed under [S]hip Config)? That's what I would expect to happen - if it doesn't, it'd good to know that in advance!
RXDuncan: i'm on v1.00 the same as the GOG version.

I commandeered a ship and lost my old ship mods, although that one many are aware of.

My problem is that the new ship that I ditched my old ship for had 4 ship slots, which only one was usable. I could not swap ship mods into the other empty slots and I checked to see if repairing ship slots were an option, it wasn't. Any ideas on what to do or what is wrong?
As @Martek pointed out, the latest GoG version is 1.022 (1.022 just came out - @Martek, if you are still on 1.02, I recommend upgrading as 1.02 introduced a bug where ship upgrades could duplicate [only visually, but annoyingly] that that follow up update corrected).

You are describing a bug that *should* be fixed in that one. If you experience after updating, going to the main menu and back should fix. If it STILL exists after doing that, what we'll need is for you to email a copy of your data so we can see what's us (see this thread for email/data locations:

Thanks, sorry for the issue, and hopefully this resolves it for you :)
I verified my installation of duskers with galaxy and it still shows 1.02 but the changelog shows there's 1.022.
How to update or is the version not correctly shown in the game?
Hmm, I updated mine last night - and it correctly shows 1.022.

Ref attached.

Maybe try patching again?

[Edit]: Added a 2nd attachment showing the correlation between the Duskers game version and the GOG filenames.
capture.jpg (38 Kb)
capture.png (11 Kb)
Post edited May 28, 2016 by Martek
Thanks for the shots. It seems you're not using galaxy? I could patch it manually but I thought the update is applied through the galaxy client?
Darklord666: It seems you're not using galaxy?
Ahh, yes, you are correct.

I don't use and never plan on using Galaxy. I don't like "clients"; and I'm one of those "anti-client" curmudgeons.. So I do admit I hadn't even thought of that maybe it was a Galaxy "thing".

Glad you got it sorted :)