It is too hard, control is badly designed and... badly designed. I cannot yet conceive you cannot assign a same unit to two or more groups, to start with, so you cannot have ALL and then squads by number; critters self-following invariably fall into traps before they can be disarmed... cost me eight downloads learning how not to loose the main character in chapter 2 because it would always be PUSHED into the trap by its critters! And the level two chest cannot be opened by level 3 rangers, so all the upgrading was for naught. And I keep confusing alternancy in mouse buttons, so at any moment I feel I selected a place to go but instead deselected all my critters! You do have to deselect to see what it is you are picking up, and still feel I have to click every item or it dissapears (like in some games). It is hard to distinguish classes in portraits... to aim at the special ability and activate it in ambush combats... to remember to use the backpack items... to activate then target... The game seems to consist of 28 maps, but I would expect it to have at least sixty maps! so it is a steep investment in learning control for a short return in gameplay... not enough to change leaders and replay to satisfy. Oh, and the first run ran in full Win8 widescreen, but after some stuttering with hibernation and switching to the desktop the game now runs with two black bands at each side like old movies on TV sometimes. Useless to move settings, I turned off moving cloth because bows cut through cloth like it was jelly, but other than that the GPU runs at 50% capacity and memory barely reaches half of the physical memory available, so it is very smooth. I noticed that most interesting battles happen behind some architectonical barrier? Could be... but it is still chapter 2. I am worried that the level 2 chest did not open, I am not sure the game does not need a patch, though development seems not closed but kind of obliterated for this game! INCIDENTALLY, they may be using a platform (?) programmers do not know well how to use or is otherwise misshapen... because this confirms it is a trend that in real time strategy games the first full two-player mission is glitchy and does not run well or two-player missions are actually avoided altogether in the game... Now I have to keep playing it to recover the expense, but certainly some people should PUSH the publishers to finish the game and even add an editor instead of killing a baby game they tried to make look like an original contribution to the genre (mousewheel perspective changes do work very well in all aspects).