Posted June 14, 2016
I'm really sorry for asking such stupid question.
but 2 years ago, i've played DK2 on my laptop, full patched too 1.7
in that version was a many unique creatures, with names:
Bzzt Firefly
Dominique Mistress
Gervaise Rogue
Zachariah Dark Angel
etc. etc.
did all this stuff avaliable in DK2 GOG version by default or not?
p.s. sorry for school-boy-english, this isn't not my origin language.
but 2 years ago, i've played DK2 on my laptop, full patched too 1.7
in that version was a many unique creatures, with names:
Bzzt Firefly
Dominique Mistress
Gervaise Rogue
Zachariah Dark Angel
etc. etc.
did all this stuff avaliable in DK2 GOG version by default or not?
p.s. sorry for school-boy-english, this isn't not my origin language.