pooiyx: Does the version of Dungeon Keeper 1 sold on gog include the Deeper Dungeons expansion pack?
Are there also any other updates/enhancements/etc. in this version for modern systems?
Deeper Dungeons: no, from what I'm gathering there(GOG and certain people inside a certain branch of EA) are trying to get the bullfrog expansion here, much like they recently did with the expansions for Wing Commander 1,2, Privateer and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri but much like when they finally added Alien Crossfire to Alpha Centauri and Secret Mission 1 and 2, Special ops 1 and 2, and Righteous fire to Wing Commander 1,2, and Privateer your going to get Deeper Dungeons added for free to the game when they can officially added it
As for modern updates and all that, no GOG does not enhance, "upgrade" or otherwise alter the original games save for fixes and/or workarounds that ensure they run on modern hardware and when needed cracking the copy protection when possible.
This is just the original game running under Dosbox/Boxer, which given that it's a DOS game and the Win 95 version is known to have issues on various newer setups(in before "oh I ran Dungeon Keeper 95 on my machine just fine" response also you =/= everyone)
it's not that bad actually you bump up your dosbox cycles a bit and hit the "r" key or was it alt-r or cntrl-r? whatever to play in "hi-res" mode.