Boxer You can get Boxer at Download it, put it somewhere on your hard drive (Applications folder recommended) and launch it once.
Remember the folder we prepared in the last post? Add the extension ".boxer" to it (e.g. "Duke Nukem 3D.boxer")
Congratulations, you have created a ready-to-use gamebox. Now all you have to do is double-click and play it. Well, usually that would be all, but Duke Nukem 3D still needs some settings.
Launch "Duke Nukem 3D.boxer" and you will see a DOS prompt. At the bottom of the windows you will see abunch of executables. To the far right there is "setup.exe". Click it.
Now you can see the setup screen. It is its own appliction, unlike today#s games where the configuration is done in-game.
Choose "Sound Setup", then choose "Setup Sound FX Card". Select "Sound Blaster"
In the following "Window" make sure adress is set to "0x220", Interrupt is "7", 8-bit DMA is "1" and 16-bit DMA is "5"
The "use these settings and continue", number of voices is 8, 8-bit mixing, and the rest is fine as it is.
Now we could play the game, but while we're at it we can change the controls to be more like modern FPS. I included an image file that shows how I set up my mouse and keyboard. It's the same control scheme EDuke32 uses.
Exit the setup, save the changes when asked and you will find yourself at the main DOS prompt. Among the executable at the bottom choose "duke32.exe" to play the game. Boxer will ask you if you want to launch duke3d.exe every time, say yes if you want to. Then you won't have to select duke32.exe every time you launch "Duke Nukem 3D.boxer"
That's it, you now have a fully working authintic DOS version of Duke Nukem 3D. You can still customize the gamebox, like adding an icon and so forth. There is enough information on that at Boxer's website.
Have fun.
---- THIS SPACE FOR Rent ----
I will put the EDuke32 instruction here ventually. In the meantime there is a YouTube video that has a link for intstruction in its description. I used it to set up my game, but it's not well written, that's why I want to writ the instructions here