maxXx: How to run DUKE NUKEM 3D with High Resolution Pack v5.3?
I copy files from SFX archive to Duke directory, but i must run game manualy "Duke32.exe"...
I want this modification to run comfortably through GOG Galaxy, but Galaxy run only original game...
What i have to change?
It's not the cleanest solution, however if you move the wholoe content of your base folder, including autoload and hires, inside the DOSBOX sub-folder, and then rename "eduke32.exe" into "dosbox.exe" (backup the original one), it should do the trick.
If you don't wanna mess around with all the files, you might need a little wrapper EXE... i wrote a small one here: Again, copy that into the DOSBOX folder, and rename it to dosbox.exe... if you don't trust an executable by some random forum guy, you can compile it yourself; you will need
AutoIt3 compiler, a small and free script compiler, and the following source code:
#include <File.au3>
Func _Main()
Local $dukeDir
$dukeDir = StringReplace(@ScriptDir, "DOSBOX", "")
Run($dukeDir & "\eduke32.exe", $dukeDir)