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- game sometimes crashes when destroying an enemy ship with marines (just like in drox 1)
- had some rare random crashes when scanning anomalies
- ship models are kinda dark. sometimes hard to see when not moving
- sometimes not the weakest component of the type, but the second-best is replaced when right clicking a new/better component in my inventory (tested with shields)

- will ramming trigger the life leech skill?
- are races like clone and super soldiers still unlockable in the same way they were in drox 1?
- if so, do they have their own unique skills?

loved the first game. thanks for making drox 2!
Smogg: - will ramming trigger the life leech skill?
- are races like clone and super soldiers still unlockable in the same way they were in drox 1?
- if so, do they have their own unique skills?
Ramming should trigger things like life leech.

Subraces and rebels are unlockable, pretty much like in Drox 1.

They don't have unique skills, but they do have different skill lines than their parent race. All races get 2 race specific skill lines. Subraces/rebels will usually get 1 skill line from their parent race and will get a different one that is used by a different race.
How do you unlock the subraces?
I think Drox1 had challenges where completion would unlock some and others required specific situations.

Is there a "list" of how to unlock them?
all of the rebel subraces are unlocked by supporting riots and civil wars on planets until a rebel ship shows up on the map that will offer a quest to deliver weapons. solving that quest may result in the rebels taking over which will unlock them as playable.

other subraces need special events to occur.
for example: the genetic subrace will need the hive to have the "genetically engineered citizens" event on their planet. if you chose not to interfere, the genetics will eventually riot and a quest ship will appear on the map. they will ask you to support their rebellion.

if you really don't want to discover for yourself, i can give you a list of the subraces/events

solving the "resurrect a race" quest also has a chance of unlocking a playable subrace.
That's pretty cool!
I did help some races uprise and take over planets and such... didn't see a notification on new options.
Perhaps when I start a new character I will see it.

Edit: Alright, I do have 3 new subraces, but none of them are playable ("monsters")
Post edited February 19, 2021 by ZviHantsis