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Hi there,

in the quest "Der Kapitän und die Geheimlieferung" there is a Tic-tac-toe mini game.
After making the first move the game crashes with the following error message:

"Factory::Create('Actions::SetNextMove'): unknown class name!"

It seems to be a very specific error connected to the move of the npc in the mini game.

Somebody any idea what could be done about this?
This question / problem has been solved by welttraumhaendlerimage
Variantenreich: Hi there,

in the quest "Der Kapitän und die Geheimlieferung" there is a Tic-tac-toe mini game.
After making the first move the game crashes with the following error message:

"Factory::Create('Actions::SetNextMove'): unknown class name!"

It seems to be a very specific error connected to the move of the npc in the mini game.

Somebody any idea what could be done about this?

There a solution is described, but it requires knowledge with databases. Besides that, it is not very helpful to ask for a solution in english, because the quest only occurs in the german version of Drakensang.
Kartenspiel mit Vierfinger Salm bei Quest "Der Kapitän und die Geheimlieferung" verursacht Crash

Dreht der Spieler die erste Karte um stürzt das Spiel mit der Fehlermeldung "Factory::Create('Actions::SetNextMove'): unkown class name!" ab.

Möglichkeit zur Umgehung
Die folgende Anleitung überspringt das Kartenspiel, Erfahrung erhält man trotzdem.

0. Backup von Spielständen machen.
1. Quest muss sich im Questlog des Spielstandes befinden, Fortschritt egal.
2. Spielstand in SQLite-Tool öffnen und die folgenden Queries ausführen (siehe dazu z.B. den Beitrag von kyr (

UPDATE _Instance_PC
SET SetupStorage = 'Item/loc02_goldedition_item;'
WHERE Name = 'Hero';

UPDATE _Story_Tasks
SET TaskState = 'unlocked'

UPDATE _Story_DialogTakeStatus
SET TakeStatus = 1

3. SQLite-Tool beenden (damit Spiel auf Spielstand zugreifen kann).
4. Spiel starten, Spielstand laden, mit Kapitän reden.
Post edited November 26, 2020 by welttraumhaendler
Thanks a bunch! Going to try that.

Besides that, it is not very helpful to ask for a solution in english, because the quest only occurs in the german version of Drakensang.
Oh, that I did not know.
Post edited November 26, 2020 by Variantenreich
is there another solution for this problem (ingame solution)?
alfbuch: is there another solution for this problem (ingame solution)?
Abandon the quest and miss a merchant with good equipment? I had the same error once and then not. Reinstalling helped me but this is too vague for a solution because it seemed more like a coincidence to me. This has not always helped me. The mini game is too loveless and simple to be worth the effort. It is much more troublesome not to have a good merchant. Starting a new game should also eliminate the error. Doesn't help you just because then you have to play all the quests again.
Post edited November 30, 2020 by welttraumhaendler
Ther is a thread for mods. there you find a link to a fix pack. Maybe, it helps.
Thanks alot for the Help !
Also had that Bug,hope it was the last one.
Got Version 1.11 installed but it didnt help.

Funny thing is,its an Rpg.A simple choice or Option to dont play the Card Game would have been fitting for the Situation and especially helpful with this Bug.
Sad that they never fixed it.
I get the crash only with the GOG version. If I install the game from my old DVD (Gold Edition), the mini game plays just fine. I tried copying the 3 db4 files from the DVD install to the GOG install, but that didn't help. Copying the game exe from DVD to GOG however solved the problem. Looks like the GOG programmers missed some essential parts of the final German exe version so that the extra content doesn't work properly.
The solution with the SQL worked for me.
Ja, die Lösung mit den Änderungen in der Datenbank funktioniert. Danke dafür.
This SQL solution didn't work at all. It came after loading the save file. "Attribute 'name' not found in attribute table" => OK button => "Runtime Error". And it was never fixed. The problem doesn't always appear, I know it from before. Same DVD, but different computer and save file and the error appeared and nothing helps!


I took the exe file of the pyramid version (German) and it works. So it's the GOG exe! ​​Unfortunately you can't play in full screen mode with the pyramid version exe...
Post edited October 05, 2024 by Qloim-Xun
Qloim-Xun: This SQL solution didn't work at all. It came after loading the save file. "Attribute 'name' not found in attribute table" => OK button => "Runtime Error". And it was never fixed. The problem doesn't always appear, I know it from before. Same DVD, but different computer and save file and the error appeared and nothing helps!


I took the exe file of the pyramid version (German) and it works. So it's the GOG exe! ​​Unfortunately you can't play in full screen mode with the pyramid version exe...
You only need to swap the exe files for this one dialog. When you're done with it, switch back to the more modern file that allows full screen.