Cool to see this finally added to the bonus content, I hope you guys enjoy it. Here's a little background information:
This took a few hours to put together because I had to play through the game until I triggered a new track, save, mute sound effects/voices, and then reload the save to retrigger the track. Then I would just stand there and wait until the song either looped or ended. But in doing this I found that some of the songs didn't have normal loop points. In fact—I can't remember which ones off the top of my head—but there were a few that never looped the same way twice, songs that you probably wouldn't hear for more than a minute or so during normal play. So I would be sitting there, five or six minutes into it, waiting for a recognizable loop point. Eventually I figured nobody would sit through these songs for that long so I would stop recording and add a long fade out for the ending. This was the case for basically any song over three minutes in the soundtrack.
Encoded as flac because I was saving it in a lossless format to burn to a disc for myself. I like to collect the soundtracks for all the games I play, either through official releases or self-made recordings like this, and lossless formats are the most versatile as far as sharing goes. You can always down-encode if the quality isn't that important to you but you can never up-encode a lossless format.
I've only played a few of the games in my account, which I'm guessing is the case for a lot of people here, but I'm definitely interested in doing this again for another game that doesn't have a soundtrack already. As long as it's possible to do, that is.